Title: Never The Twain.... Based on the short story 'The Match Before Christmas.' Anything you recognize is from that story. Not illustrated.
Warning: Hu/AU, OOC, ROMANCE a little angst, humor. Mature Xander and Spike. Explicit M/M sex.
Pairing: 100% S/X with brief mentions of Spike/OCs, Xander/Riley PRE Spander.
Rating NC17 for sexual content.
Unbeta'd: Pre-read by Bmblbee and Salustra.
Author: Naughty_Fae
Status: COMPLETE. 22,000 words approx. in 6 longer chapters. Posted Monday and Thursday until complete.
Comments: Comment if you want to, though it would be nice to know someone is reading it.
Disclaimer: Because this is based on a short story, I'm NOT claiming the plot as mine. I own nothing except any original characters, and characterization. I write for fun not profit.
Distribution: LJ, E_S, BoD, BC, NS, AO3 NOT to be archived please .
Previous Chapters Never The Twain at
AO3 Summary: Two very different men search for love and a lasting relationship on line. Can they find it with each other?
Never The Twain 3/6