Title: The Deal
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: overall NC-17/adults only
Summary: Xander wants some information and a deal is made
Distribution: Just lj for now
Disclaimer: Don't sue. I don't own any of the characters. I don't make any money from it. All credit goes to Joss
Notes: Around season 4. Anya is not around. Possible spoilers up until season 5.
Spoilers: No real spoilers. All you need to know is that Spike is staying in Xander's basement.
Warnings: m/m
A/N: Not sure about the title. That may change.
Thanks to
denied_heaven for the beta!
Xander tightened the rope that bound Spike to the armchair in his basement. They had spent the night doing research at Giles’ again. Another demon, another night of books and another night of a lack of information. Not much in his life seemed to change. Turning away from Spike, who he noticed was unusually quiet and when is that ever a good thing, he walked over to his bed and pulled back the covers.
“Four hours of research,” Xander mumbled to himself. “Four hours I’ll never get back.” Climbing into the bed, he turned off the light and closed his eyes. Still not a word had come out of Spike. That’s when he knew something was going on.
Spike watched everything that the boy did. And after the lights went out, he couldn’t help but smirk to himself. He was going to use this situation to his utmost advantage. Hearing the boy mumble about four hours of research, he knew this was his chance if he was ever gonna take it and maybe have a bit of his life back. “It’s not like you’re gonna find what you’re looking for in a bloody book,” he said out loud.
Xander’s eyes flew open at the remark. “What?” he asked, still lying on his back.
Spike’s smirk grew more prominent in the darkness. “The information you’re looking for. Well, it just doesn’t actually exist.”
Xander jumped out of the bed and landed on his feet. Turning on the light, he glared at Spike. “And how the hell would you know that?”
And Spike knew he had him. Before answering, he took a good look at Xander. The boy truly was beautiful, especially when he was angry. His body stance was almost predatory, ready to pounce. His chest heaving up and down with short labored breaths.
“Just do,” he shrugged. “Vampire and all. I’ve been around for a century.”
“If you don’t tell me what the hell you’re talking about, I’m gonna kill you…just to have my silence back.”
“Already dead, pet.” He knew he was making Xander’s skin crawl.
“Then I’ll find something to stake your ass with.”
Spike let his eyes graze over the younger boy. “Bet you would.”
Xander was lost in their argument. “Huh?”
‘And clueless too. So innocent.’ Spike’s demon stirred at that very thought. And he wasn’t sure why. It wasn’t that he actually wanted the boy. He just wanted some bit of his dignity back.
“Are you gonna tell me what you know or not?” Xander was becoming quickly pissed off at the vampire. Nothing exactly new there.
“I’ll tell you anything you want…for a price.”
He froze. “A price? What kind of price? Like money? Cause if I had any of that, do you really think I’d be living here?”
“There’s other ways to pay besides money. Besides, I don’t want your money.”
Xander knew he was going to regret asking this. “And what is it you think you want?”
“In your bed,” Spike said simply.
Xander’s eyes widened at the remark. “My bed! But where am I gonna sleep?”
“In the bed with me.”
“No way! There’s no way that you…that we’re going to be sleeping in my bed…together.”
Spike knew Xander really didn’t have a choice in the matter. He had something Xander wanted. Information. “Here’s how I see it. You’re looking for information about a demon, a demon I know about. Also, one that isn’t written about. Being a vampire, I’ve come across a few.”
“And you couldn’t tell me this information four hours ago!”
“I want something in return. You’re gonna untie me from this bloody chair. I’ll be sleepin’ in your bed from now on. Warm bed, warm body next to me. Sometimes unlife is good.”
“And if I say no?” Xander asked.
“Then you get to spend four hours tomorrow flipping through a book.” Spike grinned. “It’s your choice.”
“That’s not a choice…that’s blackmail!”
“You call it blackmail, I call it bartering. What’s your decision, luv?”
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Xander whispered to himself.
“Does that mean you accept?” Spike asked in a sultry voice just to watch the boy squirm.
“Yeah, but I want the information first.”
“No. I’ll be in your bed tonight, make sure you do good on your end of the bargain. You’ll get your information tomorrow.”
He saw Xander about to protest. “We’re gonna play this my way, luv, or no way at all.” He watched the boy carefully. “So, you gonna untie me or decline?”
“I’ll untie you.” Walking closer to Spike, he saw the vampire stand up. He took a step back. “But how did you…?”
“Vampire, luv. You didn’t really think those binds held me in did you?” Spike pulled off his shirt and walked over to the bed, climbing in and waiting for Xander to do the same.