Stan: We need to return this goat to afganistan. Mail Clerk: No living animals can be packaged and sent over seas. Cartman: No, you see this is an afganistan goat, and if it stays here it will choke on the sweet air of freedom.
i think i want a new LJ. they made the new ones a lot more rad than the ghetto old ones. i'll still keep this one, but i kinda really want a new one. for no real reason, i guess... A little plunder bunny, am I......
So, I was just watching the opening scene to Arthur, whilst trying to find my sci fi. That weird show about some fuckin' aardvark with glasses. ANYWAY. In the opening, all of the adult males with their shirts off have nipples, yet the children don't. Bizarre, I know.. So basically, you don't get to have nipples until you're old enough. Take THAT.