Ladies and Gentlemen !

Sep 18, 2007 05:46

Since we seem to suffer from an extreme lack of inspiration (or is it motivation?) , I'd like to present a few bunnies for adoption! Hopefully at least some of them will mature into new virtual episodes ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

vicki gets amnesia... serpentine_moon September 18 2007, 11:19:58 UTC
i like this idea, i'm going to try to get something going with it (begins rifling through papers for amnesia-causing supernaturals). teehee!!


Re: vicki gets amnesia... songfire3 September 18 2007, 20:50:03 UTC
Great! ;) Keep me posted...


babyjaz91 September 19 2007, 02:18:27 UTC
Yeah the Amnesia one should be fun if i knew how to type good fanfiction I would but until then I will wait.


miss_aprosexia September 19 2007, 08:21:49 UTC
I want a Mike gets stalked fic. That idea just appeals to me. Maybe because he seems like the least likely of the three to be the victim of stalking and in a weird way, the least equipped to deal with it. Someone write this for me Pretty please.


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