
Dec 31, 2005 12:47

At the kitchen table, a few minutes till midnight of the new year, Flowers sat in a chair leaning back casually, reading a book. Sure he had to make up a grand old excuse to get command to drop off a naughty boy-love book, but it was worth it. They had dropped it off before he had died, but the captain went searching for it and found it eventually ( Read more... )

flowers, sarge

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Comments 66

sgt_goodbutter December 31 2005, 19:02:12 UTC
It had taken a while to traverse the canyon on foot, but by half-jogging-half-sprinting, a good twenty minutes had passed. Sarge recorded 2335 hours on his HUD, and he found that it was just enough time for him to make his pop-n-drop ( ... )


cappy_flowers December 31 2005, 19:13:22 UTC
Flowers read on, unaware of the explosives being taped to his base. Or even of the figure creeping in. All that existed in his world right was him, a pot of tea cooking on the stove, his book, and the pistol on the table near him. Sure he didn't really think he needed it, with the cease-fire and all. But it was better safe than sorry.
He moved his bangs out of his face, eyes dancing upon the words in his book. "Hmm, maybe Cliff will finally commit to Murphey now, and stop hanging over his brother..."


sgt_goodbutter December 31 2005, 19:18:08 UTC
Sarge lifted a brow at Flowers' words. O-kay. Seeing this a prime opprotunity, he crept up behind the brunette, and promptly stuck the muzzle of his pistol to the base of his head.

"Freeze, dirtbag."


cappy_flowers December 31 2005, 19:23:33 UTC
Well this brought back some memories, heh. Sierra...

"Just calm down," he said calmly as he put his book down, glancing at his pistol. He didn't really want to use it, but if he had to, he'd just try to knock the sergeant out. "What do you want from me?"


cappy_flowers December 31 2005, 22:20:21 UTC
Flowers gently took Sarge's chin into his hand as he scooted closer to him. His thumb gently went over Sarge's lips.

"I'm sure that if he was still stationed here, he'd have told you by now. You're more mature than you were then, and level-headed." Flowers smiled slightly. "Cheer up."


sgt_goodbutter December 31 2005, 22:25:16 UTC
Sarge flustered at the closeness of the Blue, and wriggled uncomfortably, trying to scooch back some. He was slightly impressed at Flowers' forward compliment, despite their relationship consisting of a sniper scope and several pounds of ammunition.

"Er, thanks. I think," he swallowed hard. "Aherm. But... how did it happen? I mean, we're at war here! When did you two find time to meet and all that jazz?!"


cappy_flowers December 31 2005, 22:34:45 UTC
Flowers frowned a bit, as he'd rather not think of all that. He'd pushed it away for so long.

"Are you sure you want to know? I don't want to cause you any more pain..." He let go of Sarge's chin, the fingers trailing softly down his throat until they met armour. "..We met at Sidewinder during a hostage situation. We talked a bit. I was interested in his being a Europan..." Flowers pulled away from the Red, sighing.


sgt_goodbutter December 31 2005, 22:38:52 UTC
"Well, since he's not here anymore," Sarge said quietly, sadly, "I'd rather learn a little about him from someone who knew him better." He looked off to the side. "Hardly knew anythin' about him 'cept how good he commanded and just how great a man he was..."

"But if you don't want to..."


sgt_goodbutter January 1 2006, 04:59:13 UTC
Sarge's eyes nearly popped out of his head at that, and he gave a snort of surprise - but... he squinched his eyes shut and gave a rough kiss back before tearing away and tromping off towards the base.

"...fuckin' holidays," he growled, putting a hand to his stomach as a range of queer emotion, thought and gurgly-belly-syndrome ran through him. "I... I need to get that TNAZ..."


cappy_flowers January 1 2006, 05:07:14 UTC
Flowers grinned and followed him. "What, was I bad or something?" The captain stepped alongside of the sergeant. "And, what do you want me to call you?"

The man intrigued him... even if he did just about blow his base up. And he... sort of wanted to get to know him better.
I guess people change after time, huh Sierra?


sgt_goodbutter January 1 2006, 05:14:52 UTC
Sarge was about as red as his armor in the face, and he gave an indecisive rub across his face with a hand.

"N-no... just, shit man, it ain't everyday you get kissed by your enemy... and all..." he cleared his throat, hunting the first area he had taped the explosive to. "And... errrhg... mynameislevin..." he rushed out his words, aching as he did so, as only so FEW knew his real name. He grumbles and rips the tape off the wall, dropping the brick of plastique into his knapsack.


cappy_flowers January 1 2006, 05:22:35 UTC
Flowers watched... Levin, take the TNAZ off his base. "Levin. That's a nice name. And..." Butch grabbed Sarge's chin, eyes lidded slightly. "It can be everyday." With that, he kissed him again.

"So where's the next one?" Butch started to walk off to the next side of the base, hoping he was going in the right direction of the next one.


sgt_goodbutter January 1 2006, 07:09:57 UTC
Sarge glanced from side to side before dropping the bag of HE off to the side and grabbing handfuls of Flowers' shirt, yanking him down and kissing him again, with a little more finesse this time.

"Then don't say anythin'. Ain't you ever heard 'actions speak louder than words?" He grunted and shoved Flowers against the nearest wall, crushing their mouths into a heated embrace, as well as nearly squishing the Captain in his armor.


cappy_flowers January 1 2006, 07:16:39 UTC
Flowers of course had heard the expression before, and it was really coming into the effect. Especially since Sarge was crushing him against the wall. Didn't the man realize he was in his armour?

He broke the kiss momentarily, trying to catch his breath. "Damn, you're good, but I think you just bruised about three of my ribs." Butch gave a pained smile, then attacked Levin's mouth, nipping at his bottom lip as his hands tried to grasp at the other spartan's armour.


sgt_goodbutter January 1 2006, 07:23:32 UTC
He smirked at the comment, reaching back into the next kiss, but when Flowers began going for the armor, Sarge seemed to snap out of it - again. He shoved away from Flowers with a gasp, stumbling back.

"...I'm... shit... I'm, what am I.." He shook his head for a moment before turning on his heel, breaking into a full out run out of the Blue base, completely forgetting his helmet or knapsack. "What the hell am I doing!?"


cappy_flowers January 1 2006, 07:34:31 UTC
Flowers stared ahead as Sarge took off. He was panting, kiss-bruised, and in slight shock.

He... I... what...?

...That crazy Red bastard. Butch bent down to obtain the fleeing man's helmet and explosives. This could turn out for the better after all.


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