Mod Post- Please READ

Dec 17, 2007 21:02

First off, I don't really care if you're offended by what I'm about to say. This is my icon journal, therefore I feel I am entitled to my opinion once in awhile. Secondly, if you want to start some kind of comment war with me? Fine, be my guest.


I say it with each icon post that I make here: Credit is optional on all icons that are public. PUBLIC being the key and operative word in that previous statement. The majority of the icons that I make, regardless if they're uploaded somewhere or not, I make them public. I am flattered beyond anything when my icons are used. However, when icons that are not posted public are taken from my userpics? That is when I have a problem. I made those icons for MY own use or to share with a few people. Is it greedy/selfish of me? Perhaps, but I think I'm entitled to do that every once in a fucking while. Some icons I have made public after awhile, because I got sick and tired of seeing them being used or being in people's userpics when I know for a fact, that I did not give them permission to use it. And honestly, if you like one of my private icons THAT much, ask me. I will likely say yes and/or make you a variation of it. If you're in doubt of whether or not an icon is public, then just check my userpics. I will make note of what is public and what is not public.


No, I am not a huge stickler for credit, if you don't want to credit me. Fine, I have no problem with that. However, if you're going to take my icons (public or not, which still doesn't make it okay when they AREN'T public to begin with) then at least credit ME for them and not someone else.


This one, I never ever once thought I would have to make a private HEADER and Friends Only banner public. Never did I ever think that someone would take MY personal graphics for their own use. Sadly, this did happen to me and while I did end up making the header and banner public, it was not something I wanted to do. Yes, the person who STOLE my header/banner did credit me for it, so maybe that is the one silver lining here, but give me a break! That header took me time to make. And maybe it was partially my own fault for not putting my LJ username on them, but it honestly never crossed my mind that someone would take it. I don't post a lot of headers because they take me longer to make. I have requests that I haven't gotten to yet and I know this, but my own personal graphics? How would you feel if someone stole YOUR work, something that YOU put the time into making?

I am not asking for people to agree with me, I am not looking for your sympathy, this is just something that I had to get off of my chest.

!mod stuff

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