I am tempted to keep the car in drive and leave it all behind.

Aug 20, 2012 17:59

My cousin, Jessica, tried to convice me of 50 Shades of Grey earlier this year. She told me it was orgasmic and I had to read it. I didn't read it, and it was just kind of forgotten. Molly came over Friday, and pulled the second book out of her bag. She tried to convince me, too. We were both making fun of Jessica for reading and recommending porn ( Read more... )

pic: celeb, celebs, the hunger games, books

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Comments 8

museofmyself August 21 2012, 03:42:21 UTC
I haven't heard anything good about Grey. Everyone I know who picked it up was disappointed in it. I don't think you're missing anything.

Believe it or not, the most disappointing thing about Miley's hair to me was the color. Gag. The cut I actually don't mind. It took a lot of balls, but I wonder how long it'll take before she starts missing her old hair.

Jena Malone! I loved her in Stepmom and...damn. I need to get out more. :P


blondein2ways August 21 2012, 20:48:52 UTC
I think Miley's hair is cute, but all I can think about is it how she is going to regret doing that on her wedding day.

Jena Malone has been cast in Catching Fire, so that's going to be your excuse to get out more.


museofmyself August 21 2012, 23:18:47 UTC
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I did read on people.com I think it was, that she said she and Liam wanted a long engagement. So, maybe it'll be grown in a lot by then. :/

Awww, I don't read the Hunger Games books, but my daughter does. Maybe I can find something else to get me out more! ;D


hotclementine August 21 2012, 11:47:20 UTC
I refuse to go anywhere near 50 Shades of Grey. It bothers me so much that all these women are reading it and that "author" is getting rich from it when there are actual good books that are much more deserving.


blondein2ways August 21 2012, 20:50:32 UTC
I understand that. I don't think it's the writing style or anything that is getting these women to read it. Suddenly it's acceptable to read hot and steamy sex scenes in public.


hotclementine August 21 2012, 21:01:20 UTC
Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head there. I see women reading it on the bus and stuff and I'm like..."Aren't you embarrassed to be seen with that? No? Okay." lol.


jillianfish August 21 2012, 13:07:24 UTC
You know that 50 Shades started it's life as a Twilight fanfic, right? Edward and Bella were the main characters and then people started clamoring for her to publish it so she took it down, changed the names and some relevant details (like there are no vampires) and published it.


blondein2ways August 21 2012, 20:53:44 UTC
I did know that, though I don't think my cousins do. That's a big part of me not wanting to read it. I don't really want to read 1000+ pages of fanfic.


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