I've come to love your disappearing act.

Mar 13, 2012 13:10

I seriously slept all day yesterday. I woke up around 2 in the afternoon, went upstairs to get something to eat and the clock read 3:00. I forgot to change my clock! So instead of feeling uber lazy that I slept so late, I actually felt guilty for sleeping until my dad got home from work.

I went to Half Price Books. I sold a few and I only had two ( Read more... )

life, random, shopping, video: music, books

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Comments 1

liz_unscripted March 14 2012, 03:54:44 UTC
The Outsiders is my favorite book. I love it so much!

Haha, that's funny about you dancing in the car. It probably made people laugh and feel happy if they saw you.


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