Shoppers rush home with their treasures.

Dec 07, 2011 22:18

When I watch my new favorite show, Four Weddings, I get in a very wedding-y mood. I look at wedding dresses on Google images, I follow wedding blogs on Tumblr. I get obsessed. I found myself with folders full of images, and all there is to do is blog! So I present..Wedding Wednesday!

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pic: stock, picspam: fashion

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Comments 7

jillianfish December 8 2011, 13:23:40 UTC
I love wedding stuff too!

My friend is getting married next year and I'm a bridesmaid. We all get to wear different dresses as long as they're the same color and material. But she's not making us keep them all one length and I think it's going to look weird in the pictures. :/


blondein2ways December 8 2011, 18:58:09 UTC
Ooh..different lengths would look weird. Fun to be in a wedding though!


hotclementine December 8 2011, 17:31:00 UTC
I would never have my bridesmaids in different colors like that though.

Me neither. I also don't like it when bridesmaids wear totally different dresses. I understand wanting everyone to feel good in their dress, but it looks messy to me.

I actually went to a wedding with rainbow colors. They didn't really commit to it so it didn't work very well. If you're going to get crazy enough to do a rainbow, you might as well stay crazy in the execution.


blondein2ways December 8 2011, 19:01:22 UTC
I agree. At my cousin's wedding she had bronze-ish gowns with orange-ish sashes for her bridesmaids and had junior bridesmaids with the orange-ish dresses with bronze-ish sashes. That's enough of a color change for a wedding.


museofmyself December 8 2011, 18:28:20 UTC
Lots of gorgeous stuff! I'm not a fan of sweetheart necklines either, but I do love an intricate skirt. Wedding stuff is fun, just need the right man now! :)


blondein2ways December 8 2011, 19:02:15 UTC
Searching for Mr.


museofmyself December 8 2011, 19:17:26 UTC
At least you're doing that! :)


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