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Comments 7

jillianfish August 9 2011, 13:05:55 UTC
Taylor Swift's dress is amazing! Great choice!!

I think Selena Gomez's dress would have looked better if they'd pulled that sheer white back across the dress and slit it through again so it didn't create quite such a long side train thing.

I could do without Rachel Bilson's shoes. With a dress that light and ruffly those shoes are too heavy. She needed some cute white strappy heels. (Like Selena's but in white).

I do love Emma Stone but I definitely do not love her dress. Whatever, to each their own. Maybe she likes the leather look.


blondein2ways August 9 2011, 18:10:19 UTC
The one thing all these girls have in common; the little white dress. I think that should be the staple. White is so much prettier than black in my opinion.


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blondein2ways August 9 2011, 23:53:05 UTC
Yes, I'm 24 too!

I love Taylor so much I just can not express. Sometimes I play her music really loud in my headphones and lip sync along. It's like I'm pretending to be her.lol


daisy1028 August 9 2011, 23:38:14 UTC
I completely forgot to watch these awards, and normally I'm good at keeping up on them!! I love everything about Taylor Swift from her music, to the clothes she wears.


blondein2ways August 9 2011, 23:54:28 UTC
It doesn't seem to be that big of a show. I just luckily heard a commercial on the radio, otherwise I wouldn't have seen it.


hotclementine August 11 2011, 12:02:55 UTC
Wasn't it on the Teen Choice awards, circa 1999 or 2000, when Britney came out in that tight white top with suddenly huge boobs and everyone freaked out? I think that's probably the last time I watched these awards, although I do always like to see pics from them since people tend to be a little wackier with their wardrobe choices than usual.

Agree that Emma Stone's dress is not so cute. It's a shame, because she usually looks cute!


blondein2ways August 11 2011, 18:05:40 UTC
Yeah...as you get older it just turns to drabble.


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