OMGWTF. I am squeeing over here. I am squeeing so much I think I will probably die of squee before the CD actually comes out. Savers? Meh. I can pick up the subs and watch them later if I really feel I'm missing something. As for the rest, brand new
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Comments 7
...and the only reason I even bothered mentioning that hey I'm a dubbie was because I've been conditioned by the Digimon fandom's ridiculous dubhate. I'm not sure if she missed the part where I said I was totally fine with the Japanese names still, or just ignored it for the purpose of rant :/
...I swear I must have missed the fandom memo saying that you're not allowed to like both versions. D: Except for the opening song, I don't think the Tamers dub could have been much better...
I highly suspect that the reason so large amounts of the Digimon fandom insists that the dubs are evil is because they boicotted Tamers and missed out on its awesome.
Takato's voices are plain weird. His Japanese voice actress is too high-pitched compared to, say, Hirokazu. His American voice is way too deep for the kind of character he is. But I can't imagine what a "middle ground" voice might sound like. And he's adorable whatever language he's dubbed in, but that's my fangirl speaking!
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