
Jan 11, 2011 08:53

hrm, horse was a bit funny in the head yesterday ( Read more... )

snark, beejay - sour, riding, beejay

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Comments 6

_acerbusangelus January 11 2011, 01:53:34 UTC
haha-- this is awesome! First of all, I love your analogies and sayings-- not sure if it's an Australian thing or a Juanita thing, but I love it. And GOOD FOR YOU for resolving to MAKE Beejay do what you want him to do!


madeyemads January 11 2011, 01:58:04 UTC
Yay! Go Juanita, you'll get him sorted out, I'd agree Beejy is a very, very crafty little boy. But you're smarter :-D


k7point5 January 11 2011, 02:36:39 UTC
I laughed hysterically at your last sentence! Good on ya, mate.


pythia January 11 2011, 02:39:46 UTC
"feels a bit like a dirty carnival ride in 3-day-old underwear when you're actually riding it, but still...."



thought_bubbls January 11 2011, 21:23:12 UTC
This line almost made me choke on my mac & cheese!


glenatron January 11 2011, 08:02:04 UTC
My favourite when a horse has an idea about a place to go and I'm not keen to go there is to let them have some control over the steering and I control the speed, so while they want to go to the gate ( or to the other horse, or wherever ) I just make sure they go around that area faster than they want to. There are no comfy breaks, no calm relaxing stuff there, that place is hard work.

But they can choose to go there, it's just when they get there it won't be as fun as they thought it would be.

When they go elsewhere you slow down, it's low energy and they can relax and stop if they want.

After a while - and it can take a few minutes with a determined horse - they'll decide to stop trying to drag you over to that place. When they do they generally don't try it again for a while. It's a really great exercise.


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