closed gymkhana

Nov 07, 2009 22:44

Holy shit.

i am still on cloud-fucking-nine.

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showing, arc, riding, beejay

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Comments 18

blauereiterin November 7 2009, 15:09:04 UTC
WOW tats awesome!!! so happy for you!


blitzen_ November 7 2009, 15:44:30 UTC
thanks mate! i'm pretty excited myself!


_acerbusangelus November 7 2009, 15:54:44 UTC
Omg! That is sooooooo awesome! You've been through a lot with Beejay and now it's paid off! I'm so happy for you guys.


ihrayne November 7 2009, 16:13:29 UTC
Congrats!! That's awesome! :D


dimturien November 7 2009, 16:37:05 UTC
whoohoo, that's great! Congrats to you and bejay!!


penella22 November 7 2009, 16:42:03 UTC
:D Yayyy!! That's GREAT! I bet there were times you never thought you'd be writing an entry like this....what a great day. So glad you guys got out and had fun and GOD I have to wonder about that supplement, sounds fantastic. So glad he was able to tune in and listen to you and HOLY CRAP about him winning hack class!!! You guys have come a long way and it's gotta feel nice to see the tangible rewards of that. :-)


blitzen_ November 7 2009, 22:01:32 UTC
i know, i could write a personal recommendation for that stuff. BUT i think it was a combination of having a companion on the float & not getting so worked up by the time he got there - as he really was not stressed or concerned at all (or minimally, at least) and having carly there to talk me thru stuff throughout the day.

as we have used that calmer several times before and it hasn't had such a big impact.


penella22 November 8 2009, 20:54:04 UTC
Well that's even more exciting, and such good info to know what it is he needs and you need to make things enjoyable and fun and to keep things manageable and not overwhelming for him. You've been through so many things with Beej it's really great to see you guys have fun and win some ribbons. :D


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