
Feb 07, 2009 18:19


apparently that is Ingrid Klimke's kid.

anyone else think it's fucking freaky????? idk, little kids should be putZing around, not doing flying changes.

interesting stuff, videos

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Comments 8

fishwithfeet February 7 2009, 10:23:11 UTC
She is going to burn out on horses, bet you anything.


jaanka February 7 2009, 11:52:11 UTC
I see it from two sides.
1. its a great way to experience what a high lvl horse feels like
2. and I completely agree with you - she should be having fun on a feral little pony.

Can't wait till tomorrow!


blauereiterin February 7 2009, 13:12:25 UTC
hmmm. i'm on the fence. i agree with both above comments too. i would have given anything to be able to ride a nice horse like that wen i was a kid..in fact i'd trade all the putzing around i've EVER done to have access to a horse like that. however. i watched the video twice. first time it went in fits and starts and i was thinking, damn look at her go, and bareback too! the 2nd time it had loaded completely and MEH. she's too little to understand not pull pull pulling on the reins. seems like she's holding herself on with the reins. (can't blame er...that's a big moving horse for a little kid!) also re: the tempis it looked like that horse was so well trained that a monkey could have sat up there and gotten tempis out of it. so i'm pretty meh about the whole thing.


blitzen_ February 7 2009, 13:41:57 UTC
idk, when i was 6 i didn't know the difference between a "nice" horse and my fat little welshie ponies. none of that occurred to me (and the difference between rich & poor/boys and girls/people who ride for fun and people who ride for ribbons) until i was about 10 or so? i totally feel she's too little to understand nuances of riding & the importance of timing etc.



pythia February 7 2009, 17:15:05 UTC
I don't even see how that horse is going to be able to feel her leg aids. I think she'd be an amzing rider on a pony, but that horse is just...way too big. And I agree with the above comment about holding herself on with her reins.
But yeah, I think she'd enjoy it much more if she was tearing aound on a mental little pony, hah.


draftwitch February 7 2009, 17:22:40 UTC
My first impression was that she was over-horsed. On the one hand - the horse did respond to her (and like another poster said - a monkey could have ridden the horse with the same result). On the other hand - I think she could have been on a pony more suitable for her size.

But then again - what do I know.. :-)


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