Facing THings & going sideways

Feb 25, 2008 21:31

went to ride beejah today. he was NOT impressed with the saddle (he basically turned tail and walked off at great speed & i had to jog to catch him & try to simultaneously stomp on the leadrope to stop him in his tracks whilst carrying my saddle), so we rode bareback ( Read more... )

the penny dropping, beejay, parelli, bareback

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Comments 4

penella22 February 25 2008, 13:39:34 UTC
Maybe Beej is trying to tell you he needs a treeless saddle. With all the saddle fitting you've had to go through, maybe it would be cheaper too? How is the treeless market over there? I'm doing saddle searching for sage right now and I have found exactly ONE used saddle in the brand I like (trekker) on this side of the ocean (glenatron has plenty on his side tho). I did a semi-informal tracing of Sage the other day and his withers are kind of narrow (but fairly flat) and then his sides zoom out two inches on either side when I measure just a few inches further back. Now I understand why saddles are either pinching him or fall down on his withers. (He has such a *short* back too...)

Anyways...this is what? the third time Beej has objected to his saddle? Maybe time for a different change, something more than having it refit.

Awesome yr riding BB tho! And it is so f***ing cool to see how far you have both come!


blitzen_ February 26 2008, 09:10:27 UTC
haha, i am so not excited about a treeless saddle. i'm afraid mostly because i am a heavyweight rider and i have heard LOTS of stories about how they really aren't suited to heavier ppl, even with all the wizzbang physio pads etc. plus i've also heard that they do free up movement for a while but really lack the stability AND the stirrup is concentrated in a particular area anyway & can still result in pressure points/areas????


penella22 February 26 2008, 17:02:26 UTC
Yeah, I've waded thru so much info about them too and heard really conflicting things. Some ppl swear by them and others say they will give your horse permanent nerve damage!!! I know of 2 ppl who use treeless even though they're not lightweight, and glenatron and his wife both use treeless for trail rides etc. so maybe he has more to say about them from personal experience. I don't have one yet ( ... )


penella22 February 26 2008, 17:03:53 UTC
some ppl like the cashel softsaddles too...they really take yr lower leg AWAY from the horse tho so Beej might not like it.


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