
Feb 23, 2008 23:30

blah. feel blah ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

blauereiterin February 23 2008, 17:43:11 UTC
haha i was wondering why you hadn't joined!

which rescue was this?


blitzen_ February 23 2008, 18:05:58 UTC
this is the fugly post:

Second Chance Horse Rescue. apart from the RSPCA it's the ONLY horse rescue in my state (that i know of, someone correct me?) and the director, Jessie, has just done the most incredible work. i really don't know much about why she ended up on Fugly - apparently there was a thread on our local forum and a disgruntled user forwarded details to Fugly, MINUS a lot of the crucial info about SecondChance's involvement. it's very interesting.

i saw that half my freaking flist is on that community, so if i am not approved for membership i will CRY. like a little biatch.



beybladesabre February 23 2008, 17:56:21 UTC
You should join! You'll totally get in:)


blitzen_ February 23 2008, 18:27:53 UTC
OMG what are the requirements?

i did click "join community" tonight, so we'll see.


beybladesabre February 24 2008, 01:48:50 UTC
Lol, basically not being a tard, it's pretty simple! :P Your name is up on the town council post earlier today, and you got lots of Yes's, so you should be good to go:)


stormblueclouds February 24 2008, 10:35:04 UTC
I know!! I was put out by that whole money thing too, I mean, it's not our fault, we fucking paid. Plus you brought heaps of yummies that they had no worries eating either. Ugh. Aside from that, I love the quiz nights. Maybe we can form our own table next time? Get Jaana in and Steph again (she's a sweetie) and a few others, we'd kick arse :D

And as for 2nd chance vs fugly, very annoying. Half a story doesn't cut it, she so didn't get the facts. I feel sorry for Jessie, she's put her herat and soul into 2nd chance, and the feral ponies aren't even owned or were ever owned by 2nd chance, she's just helping.

With some of the crap in equestrian I think eq-snark is looking pretty good, half my friends list is in there anyway lol


blitzen_ February 24 2008, 13:19:25 UTC
o good, i'm not the only one! also, and this is a year late, but i was MIFFED at the distribution of prizes last year. i was so determined for that not to happen again this year - we didn't win anyway, so that was a GOOD thing! haha.

steph is totally cool. she was so fun to dance with later on! yeah, i reckon a new table is in order... jaana & her hubby would be great additions too... hope she doesn't mind me organising her life for her, hahaha.


maggies_lens February 24 2008, 12:15:31 UTC
I was a tad concerned about Fuglies post. Normally she has some good points re the rescues, altho I do get sick of the 'TBS RULE' thing. I actually thought that the rescue did quite well to tame the ponies u p as much as it sounds they have done, and they ARE gelding the colts and stallions. Dunno, buddy, maybe they do it a bit differently in the 'States or something. Personally I think if you put a stallion in a crush, esp a wild one, you will runa higher risk of injury to the horse and yourself. Plus it will make gaining that horses trust later when you are taming them just that much harder; horses aren't stupid, they remember. I did note that not many people seemed to agree with her re the Aussie Ponies, they all skimmed over them and decided not to comment, probably because the 'know everythings' would have flamed them and they know it. I also agree re Equestrian, that post was really uncalled for. I mean, what's the issue? If you don't like the posts, just click past them. It's not like they have to pay every time someone posts ( ... )


blitzen_ February 26 2008, 09:14:39 UTC
i totally agree with you re: the rescue trying to tame the horses so they have a reasonably stressless gelding experience. i also agree that some things are done very differently in the 'states. outdoor/indoor cats, for instance. omgzwtfbbq!@! i was flamed once on


skiesfirepaved February 24 2008, 18:25:05 UTC
Ahahahaaa, I am so watching that community!


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