Profile I was going to re-vamp only elffingqueen's layout, but eventually I ended up making two headers and since I wasn't able to pick which one I liked more, I decided to put both of them to usage^^ I usually use one header only once, but I love the alice one I had previously, so if alpha is as good as the teasers suggest, then Tora and the fellows might return. Until that, ladies and gentlemen, Yamapi is here to entertain us *beams*
The style is very similar to the Kiyoharu one I have over at elffingqueen. Also, I made a new profile header, which was supposed to accompany Yamapi here, but my inner jrocker held tightly onto its tiny amount of self-dignity (this whole journal CAN'T be all about JE) and thus I placed the header into elffingqueen's profile. AND it's not angsty at all :D It's happy and cute and goofy, uplifting, like pacific~<3 (KoyaPi, my new NewS OTP ♥)
(You can also see it behind the cut~)
Uh, the style of the graphics is far more fashionable than I wanted.. I don't like going after all the new trends in graphic making, but it's a fact that the icons you view affect your way of thinking. (And I've been visiting
je_icons lots lately). However, they all are pretty, and the message I included in the Kiyoharu header makes ME glad. Everytime I go to my journal I'll see the header and it reminds me of the things I am and want to be.. it's good. Kiyo's sitting pretty much on top of my fandom pyramid^_^ I recommend wholeheartedly his album Poetry and the singles Emily and Rinne. A demi god, he is. I'm not just talking about his mesmerizingly meowing vocals and sexily arrogant eyes but also his heavenly guitaring. He's the only jrocker I've ever fell for just because of sheer skills at playing guitar. Emily shows you what I mean.
OKAY, my only purpose was not to come and ramble *lol* I'm also looking for an icon maker (no need to be an affiliate) to take a challenge :D This is so much fun, please continue reading:
<-my new profile banner<3 Cute boys<3 Can you recognize 'em all? ;)
(you think something like that would work in icons? *hmm*)
What I have in mind is something similar to
this iconbattle of iconfused&15th_moon. I'd like to challenge another icon maker to icon the same pictures but not the same bases :) If you clicked the link, you can easily understand what I mean. We'd pick 10 to 15 (maybe more, I don't mind) pictures, then we both would make bases out of them, then we'd switch the bases and icon them. I haven't much thought about the actual posting process, but the way iconfused did it seems okay -all the bases, all the icons in both journals. I'd like to develop the idea a bit further, so if you're into the idea and ready to take the challenge, I'm excitedly waiting for all the suggestions^__^ The time schedule WILL be flexible, since I'm the type who starts one thing, ends up finishing other one instead and eventually returns to the first project when the inspiration hits on *lol*
If there're several people interested in this, I will gladly try this out with anyone who wants. I'm open for any fandom too, so no panic~ (though, if my art request post was to take as a clue, all the corresponders will be jrock/je fans *chuckles*)
Oh, and if someone wants, here's elffingqueen's previous header:
Kagrra, "The world is ours"inspired by alice nine.
I can alter it (size, colors a bit) or re-vamp it to meet your taste if the basic idea you see here pleases you. Kagrra no su is fricking love ♥
I'm almost finished with a new icon batch (already!) so I'll be back soon with some 100x100!Love~
Bye Bye-cycle xxx