Round 008 Sign Ups - Cliches!

Aug 02, 2009 17:45

SIGN UPS ARE NOW CLOSED! IDs will be sent out soon. Thank you, and good luck writing!

It's time for Round 008: Fandom Cliches of blind_go!

1. Writers interested in submitting for the challenge sign up by commenting to this post by August 16th. Leave the following information in the comments:

LJ username:
Writing archive: (can be a link to LJ memories, a fic LJ or a separate site)

2. Those who sign-up will be emailed with a unique ID. Submissions should be emailed in the following format:

Subject: [ID number] Title

Attach your fic in .txt format. For a plain text tutorial, please see this post here.

In the body of your email, please include the following:

Word count:
Cliches used:

In honor of this cliche round of blind_go we will be exploring themes that have been used (and possibly overused) by fandom. We've started a list of cliches for you below. Please feel free to suggest others when signing up! We will post a final list of cliches at the close of sign-ups. You will be expected to write one or more of the cliche themes, and the standard theme prize will instead go to the writer who manages to cram as many cliches as possible into one fic. Good luck!

Cliche Starter list:
May 5th
Sai returns
Hikaru as Honinbou, Akira as Meijin
Akiko secretly knows everything
Someone gives Akira a makeover
Go as sex metaphor
Sai and Touya Kouyo meet in the afterlife
Ogata pervs on young boys

Please include HTML tags for any formatted text in your fic (e.g. for italics, for bold, for underline). (The mods will certainly double-check to make sure all formatted text is tagged properly prior to posting but it will help us post faster if you include them.)

Regarding collaborations, the mods will be assigning one ID to each participant. If you choose to write a collaboration, we will not include it in a separate pool of IDs but instead will ask that you include the IDs of both writers in your submission. (Unfortunately, that will mean that you will be disqualified from guessing any other fics that your collaborator wrote.) Collaborations will be identified by the double ID, and readers will have to guess both authors correctly. A collaboration will count as one of your submissions.

3. Guidelines for submissions:

  • The deadline for submissions is September 19th.
  • All fics must be for the Hikaru no Go fandom. Crossovers and AUs are allowed as long as the writing features Hikaru no Go characters.
  • Word count should be at least 555 and no more than 5,555.
  • Writers can submit up to FIVE submissions.
  • Writers may choose to write in their usual style or disguise it as they wish.

4. Fics will be posted in the community through answer_key on September 20th, Hikaru's Birthday!. The members of the community will also be supplied with a list of all the authors that wrote for the challenge and their writing archives, in the interest of facilitating the guessing game.

5. Community members will post their guesses in an entry with screened comments. Writers will be allowed to guess for all fics that are not their own. The answers, along with the members with the highest percentage of correct guesses, will be posted on October 4th.

If there are any questions or concerns about submission guidelines and deadlines, please email either mod, chaineddove at, sadistic_tensai at, or trixiechick75 at, or leave a question here.

Sign-up is now open, themes will be up soon! Leave a comment with your LJ username, email, and writing archive link here by August 16th!!

sign up, round 008

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