Crack to the shop, C to the osmopolitan, Pat to the back. No? Okay.

Sep 26, 2008 22:43

Now, I don't speak Spanish but I'm familiar with the Art of Guessing. Totally scientific.

That said,

First we have a story on the HOTTEST THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR HANDS ("Evoke a different sensation with each touch" -- keep being handsy, Blake), then one on RELATIONSHIPS WITH VIOLENT ENDS (allow me to refresh your memory in the most egotistical way possible. C'mon AlmaPenn totally reads Cosmopolitan) and, finally, Sex with no strings attached -- Is it really possible? I've been told "ataduras" can also be translated as "bonds". I think we all know how Blake feels about tying up her ~life partner~.

And also some really late crackshoppery to make you groan:

You can see how upset Blake gets when Leighton tells her to get away from the fatty iguana and the monkey :(

Lastly, because our Mighty Lordzina13 told me to post it in this squeemunity.

fuzzy musings, excellent adventure, delicious crack

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