Icon Post #3

Aug 07, 2007 11:32

[-x-]Casino Royale
[-x-]Doctor Who
[-x-]Empire Records
[-x-]Harry Potter
[-x-]Pirates of the Caribbean
[-x-]Angelina Jolie
[-x-]Eva Green
[-x-]Freema Agyeman
[-x-]Hayden Christensen
[-x-]James Franco
[-x-]Jared Leto
[-x-]Milo Ventimiglia
[-x-]Orlando Bloom

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movies: harry potter, movies: pirates of the caribbean, graphics: icons, tv: heroes, movies: 300, celebrities: angelina jolie, movies: casino royale, celebrities: orlando bloom, movies: empire records, tv: doctor who, celebrities: eva green, celebrities: james franco, celebrities: milo ventimiglia, celebrities: jared leto, celebrities: freema agyman, celebrities: hayden christensen, misc: stock

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Comments 92

indes_elfwine August 7 2007, 20:35:51 UTC
Doctor Who 06 slays me. I almost choked on my tea. Also, love the badass Martha one and the Lucy Saxon's are prettyful.

Love Proud Ginny Hater, proud Regulus Lover, R/Hr is the best canon ship eva and Neville pwnz Harry because they're so TRUE. I don't care whoever gets to be Regulus for the movies (if they bother to put him in. Bastards.) because Milo will always be our Regulus. The Luna's are also beautiful.

Claire icon is prettyful and the Nathan one is made of win.

Love the cocktail and shoes one from the stock.

MILO! He's the prettiest thing ever isn't he? *Beams at him fondly* But I think my three favourites of him are the Debonair, the gopldy-sunlit-wild-hair and the one where he's got Hayden on his back. For they are pretty and adorable and I friendShip Halo. :D


arti_chan13 August 7 2007, 20:48:25 UTC
They better put him in. Seriously, if they can fit in Narcissa, they can fit in Regulus.

Milo is one of the sexiest things ever, but maybe not the sexiest. *point to Orli*


rootytheroot August 7 2007, 20:39:40 UTC
awesome stuff :) taking HP#10, will credit of course!


arti_chan13 August 7 2007, 20:48:48 UTC


in_the_end August 7 2007, 20:40:25 UTC
Snagging 1 and 3 of the Freema icons.
Will credit.

Thanks : )


arti_chan13 August 7 2007, 20:49:03 UTC
Glad you like them!


danceofillusion August 7 2007, 20:45:52 UTC
Took #3 of Heroes. :)


arti_chan13 August 7 2007, 20:49:19 UTC


konstellation August 7 2007, 20:56:16 UTC
Took #4 of Eva Green, all are beautiful!


arti_chan13 August 7 2007, 20:57:09 UTC
Thank you!


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