Title: Welcome To the New Age (9/10)
nicole9514Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language, violence, blood, death, angst
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my Jedi!verse series of fics. The title for this arc in the Verse was taken from the song "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons.
Summary: Castiel and Dean face the Sith Lord.
Word Count: 2,655
New to the series; here's a
Link to the Masterpost Castiel looked out over the horizon from atop one of the five Temple Spires. He could see what had been the council chambers in the center one that stood slightly higher than the other four. Half of it was missing, and the roof had been blown off. That had been a massive explosion. Far more than had been needed to kill the council members.
Roman had been making a statement.
The Temple had stood for generations as a fortress to guard and protect against the Dark side. And now it was bleeding and battered.
He and Dean had made their way up to the top, finding a few working lifts, and making the final journey the stairs. They had, had to step over more than one younglings body on the way here.
Cas had a sinking feeling Roman had known they were here in the temple for awhile. A Master and his apprentice shared a connection, it might have been toxic, but it was still there.
He was certain the Sith Lord had known the moment his Apprentice had died.
And who had done the killing.
The entire way up the steps Cas had felt as if they were being watched, hunted, or played with.
Noises here and there, but nothing had come of them.
Then there was the fact that they hadn’t run into any trouble; that was more than a little suspicious.
The temple was crawling with his army scavenging and picking off any survivors. There weren’t many left, someone should have heard them, should have found them.
It was almost as if they were being saved for the Master.
It made sense.
He had tried to kill them several times and failed.
He would want to fix that mistake.
Cas looked at Dean. “I think he’s watching us.”
“Yep,” Dean said, his eyes darting left and right.
“Just be ready.”
“You too.”
They gave each other one last, smile then Dean spun, and snarled. “Come on out you piece of rancor filth - stop playing the peeping tom, and let’s get this over with.”
Cas sighed.
Dean certainly had a way with words.
But it worked.
Out of the shadows emerged the man who had caused this nightmare.
Cas didn’t know what he expected - for Dick Roman to suddenly look more evil, more Sith-like, but with the exception of his black robe, he still looked the same.
He didn’t have the same crazy glint in his eye that Gordon had. His appearance was that of a politician. Nice clothes, shoes, and his expression was one of calm, and charm.
Always the gentlemen.
“You two, so impressive, such…tenacity,” his fingers danced as he spoke.
It was disturbing how harmless he could look when he wanted to.
“It really is a shame. I was hoping to get at least one of you on my side.”
Dean snorted. “Are you serious? Is that why you kept trying to kill us?”
Roman shrugged as if they were discussing the rain. “That was just business. You two, you could have accomplished so much by my side.”
“Only we couldn’t,” Cas said, watching him for any movement, “There can only be two.”
Roman’s eyes sparkled. “You’re correct of course. Although I do seem to have an opening in my staff,” he smiled. “Any takers.”
“Go fuck yourself,” Dean spat. “How’s that for an answer.”
Roman laughed. “Such fire. So much untapped potential for mayhem and destruction. You have no idea what the dark side could offer you, Dean. And it’s simmering underneath your skin, always there. I know there are times you want to embrace it.”
Cas inhaled sharply.
Dean shook his head. “The price is too high. I’d prefer to keep my soul.”
“You told Ruby to try and turn Dean didn’t you - at the cost of her own life,” Cas added.
Roman smiled again. “You really are a quick one. It’s too bad all that time you spent with my pet didn’t bring you over to my way of thinking.”
Cas stood there, feeling sick. “Alastair,” he breathed.
“Of course.” Roman took a step closer to them. “I noticed you even before Dean. Quiet, but such power underneath the calm. You could have been my right hand as well, but that damned self-control of yours. I should have worked on you myself. Never trust a sociopath to do the job for you.”
“You son of a fucking -” Dean started.
Cas raised his hand. “It’s okay Dean. He failed to turn either of us, and now he’s just trying to make us angry. To upset our focus. But it’s not going to work. I faced my demons.”
Cas felt calm, too calm, but this was it. All this pain, darkness, and suffering. Months of living on the run. It was all over now. Today they were going to be free from him. Whether they won and lived, or lost and died, they wouldn’t have to spend one more minute worrying about him.
And somehow that was a comfort.
Dean nodded. “I hate sore losers.”
Roman sighed, and shrugged. “You can’t blame a guy for trying,” And then in the blink of an eye lightening poured from his fingertips.
Dean screamed, and fell to his knees.
Cas didn’t panic; he stepped in between Dean and the Sith, and used his saber to block the energy. It sizzled against his saber, and he could feel the cold hate coming off of it, but it didn’t touch him.
“Fuck me,” Dean was panting.
Cas stood his ground and he and Roman began circling each other.
Cas wanted him focused on him while Dean recovered.
Roman’s hands were sizzling and sparking. His eyes had an edge of silver in them that hadn’t been there before. Cas noticed drops of blood dripping from the hem of Roman’s cloak.
Blood from his victims.
“Excellent job,” Roman actually clapped slowly a few times. “You were always my favorite. And you came so close to embracing the dark side, closer than even you like to admit. You wanted to kill Alastair when you caught up to him; your body practically vibrated with the need for it,” Roman’s eyes narrowed, “But you were too weak. And that’s why I’m going to win.”
Cas didn’t respond, and even though there was a measure of truth to what the Sith was saying, it was wrapped up in manipulation and lies.
He had wanted to kill Alastair for one brief moment; he’d even admitted such to Dean, but he hadn’t.
“You’re wrong.” Dean said calmly. He’d gotten to his feet. “Killing him would have been the easy choice. Walking away, that took real strength, and honor. Something you wouldn’t understand because you’re just a bully with power.”
“Fools,” he snarled, and his politicians fake smile vanished, his eyes darkened, and his expression twisted into something feral.
And Cas knew they were done talking.
Roman flipped towards them his saber cutting through the air. Dean managed to flip away, but a sharp pain lanced down his thigh.
He’d been grazed. Not enough to take him out of the fight, but it burned like a bitch.
Fuck, he was fast, faster than Walker.
Roman struck at Cas, who blocked, and twirled, meeting another attack head on.
Dean attacked from the opposite side; Roman blocked him with ease.
They both attacked him relentlessly, blow after blow, as they spun around each other.
And Dean knew neither of them were even coming close to hitting him.
He was fighting them both, and he wasn’t even breaking a sweat.
Dean tried to switch tactics. He flung his hand forward and tried to shove Roman with the force.
The Sith laughed, and swatted it away as if it were a feather, before he flipped away, and smiled.
He circled them - stalking them.
And suddenly Dean knew - he was fucking with them.
Probably could have killed them already.
Cas knew it too judging by his posture, and the odd look he shot Dean’s way.
They needed an advantage.
Dean scanned the room, and saw nothing that would help.
It was relatively empty, although there was a hole in the Spire’s wall. It was large enough that they might be able to throw him out of it. But hell, that assumed they could touch the son-of-a-hutt.
Screw it, maybe they’d get lucky.
He and Cas moved in again, and the dance was on.
There was no time to think. Dean just kept reacting, blocking, and flipping along with Cas and Roman.
He could feel his body tiring. It had been a long day, and he had injuries stacking up. His ribs were screaming, his head throbbing. That damned lightening attack had made everything worse, and he knew he couldn’t keep this up for much longer.
Roman laughed madly, and Cas went flying, before Dean could react his lightsaber was gone. Ripped from his hand by the pure will of the Sith.
Roman stood over him. His eyes satisfied, and calm.
As if he’d always known this was how it would end.
Maybe he had.
Lightening shot from his fingertips; Dean found himself hunched into a ball, biting back a scream of agony as his nerves rioted and his body felt as if it were on fire.
It seemed to go on for hours.
Eventually the pain receded; he felt a boot connect with his face.
Roman stood over him, his saber inches from Dean’s throat. He could feel the heat, and see the reflection of the red light in the Sith’s dark eyes.
This was it.
He hoped that maybe, somehow, Cas could finish this fucker off without him.
Roman’s eyes widened, and he abruptly spun away from Dean, narrowly blocking an attack from a green lightsaber.
“Get away from my boy, you asshole,” Ellen’s strong voice, filled with righteous fury rang out, mixed with the sound of saber’s sparking.
Dean managed to prop himself up on one elbow.
Ellen’s blade moved with quick, precise strokes as she fought.
Dean tried to stand, but his stupid, weak body wasn’t having any of it. Everything was swimming, the best he could do was crawl.
He looked for Cas, and saw him lying limp on the floor, blood running down his face.
Get up, he mentally screamed at himself.
He tried again, and a wave of nausea forced him back onto his knees.
His gaze went back to the duel just in time to see both Ellen and Roman extend their hands, fingers pointing towards the ceiling, palms out.
It was a draw.
He could see the strain on Ellen’s face, but Roman was feeling it too, as their hands remained outstretched only inches apart. You could feel the power flowing around and through them.
One light, one dark, both trying to gain the upper hand.
There was a ripple of energy that took Dean’s breath away as it exploded outward, sending both of them to the ground.
They hit hard, and landed on their backs.
Both leapt to their feet. Roman had been pushed closer to Dean, and he realized while the Sith was focused on the bigger threat, he might be able to sucker punch him. He gripped the knife he kept in his boot as his saber was nowhere to be found.
Dean shoved it all down, the pain, the way his nerves kept tingling, and cursing him, and focused only on putting one foot in front of the other.
It worked. He got to his feet, and he was moving.
Roman was focused on Ellen. They were watching each other; both looking for a weakness.
Just a few more steps.
One more.
Dean kept his breathing steady, and struck out with the knife, hoping to drive it into Roman’s kidney’s, but the Sith was fast.
Too fast.
He grabbed Dean’s arm.
Dean saw red, as bones snapped; he found himself on the ground again.
He lifted his head as Ellen descended from a leap, her saber coming straight for the Sith Lords heart. Things seemed to slow down as Dean fumbled with his good arm and found the second knife he’d hidden in his other boot. He knew Roman wasn’t paying attention to him; in his mind he’d dismissed Dean, he was as good as dead, incapacitated.
Fuck that.
Roman slipped slightly to the right, and struck upward with his blade. Dean almost stopped breathing as it plunged into Ellen’s stomach.
He didn’t think, he reacted, his good arm driving upward and the knife connected. It sunk into Roman’s back. The man screamed in shock, and agony, as Dean twisted the blade, and dragged it upward, cutting through the soft flesh. Wet, hot blood coated his skin, and he drove it in even deeper, tearing apart the man from the inside.
The son of a bitch had been too busy murdering the only mother he’d ever known to block his attack.
Roman turned, his eyes wide, blood erupting from his mouth.
His expression was one of surprise.
The Sith tried to raise his arm, to fight back, but he wasn’t moving so quickly now.
Dean spit in his face right before he plunged the dagger into his heart.
Roman collapsed.
Dean touched his throat; there was no pulse.
Blood was pooling all around his body.
Dean crawled over, dragging himself with one arm to Ellen. She was lying on her side, her breathing raspy, and labored.
“Ellen,” he managed, his own body begging him for rest.
He ignored it.
He turned her over gently; her eyelids fluttered as she tried to focus on him. She coughed and blood came up.
Dean felt his vision cloud with moisture.
“Dean,” she choked out.
“I’m here.” He managed to get himself up to a sitting position, and he rested her head on his lap. “Just hang on.”
She shook her head, her skin too pale, her hand clammy as she clasped his. “Did we get him?”
“Yeah, we got him,” he swallowed down the tears that were clawing at the back of his eyelids. “Thanks to you.”
She smiled, squeezing his fingers. “Sorry I had to break my promise,” she inhaled shakily, “but I couldn’t stand by and let him kill you.” She coughed again, her eyes going distant, before she blinked, and whispered, “Cas wasn’t the only one that had a vision.”
Dean felt sick as he realized Ellen had been carrying her own burden - she’d seen their deaths, or maybe just his - and she’d made a choice. She’d chosen to save him - even knowing what it would cost her.
Dean lost the battle, and he felt the tears start flowing. “I’m sorry - I wasn’t fast enough.”
She gasped; Dean could feel her slipping away. “Don,” a soft pant, “Don’t you dare blame yourself.” Another pant. “My choice. Mine.”
Her eyelids closed, then opened again. “Promise me,” she managed, her grip on his hand weakening.
“I promise,” he breathed.
He heard, and felt Cas behind him.
Ellen’s eyes slanted upward. “Take care of him.”
Cas’s words were filled with sadness, and love. “I will.”
She smiled, and nodded once, before her eyes closed, and she went still.
Her chest didn’t move; her hand fell from his.
Dean pulled her close and felt his body start to shake.
So much death, loss, and pain.
It was all too much.
He buried his face in Ellen’s hair, and tried to hold back a fresh wave of tears.
He felt Cas behind him. The other man’s arms draped around his waist, careful not to press to hard, or touch his broken arm. He felt a damp wetness against the back of his neck as Cas’s cheek pressed into it. “I’m here,” Cas breathed into his neck.
It was over.
Roman was dead.
They’d won.
But somehow, it didn’t feel that way.
A/N: I know you all hate me right now - sorry. I kind of hate myself too - but honestly, I can't fight where the story wants to go. My muse is evil, and as much as it sucked to write this part, it felt....well, right.((HUGS))
Part 10 Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)
Comments are always appreciated.