Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: [R] - A Blast From The Past (5/5)

Jul 15, 2013 16:24

Title: A Blast From The Past (5/5)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language, death, blood, gore
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my Jedi!verse series of fics.
Summary: Dean, Cas, and Sam go to investigate the silent colony.
Word Count: 1, 276

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

The colony that had been code-named Hushmot, was at least a day away even with hyper drive. That was a lot of time to think, and for Sam, Cas knew that was not a good thing.

There were several Separatists soldiers with them; Cas had never worked with them before, but Sam trusted them.

“Sam we need to talk,” Dean was saying, his tone gentle, but also firm.

Sam blinked several times, and met Dean’s eyes. Cas could see the fatigue in them. Sam needed to rest.

“So talk,” Sam said, his tone flat, and distracted.

Dean snapped his fingers in front of the younger man’s face, and Sam glared at him.

“There. Now I’ve got your attention.”

Cas sighed, but didn’t interrupt. Perhaps a little annoyance at Dean would serve as a distraction for Sam. One he clearly needed.

Dean sat down on one side of Sam, Cas took the other.

“We need to talk about what it means that the Supreme Chancellor somehow knows the code names of three of your bases.”

Sam swallowed. “My best guess, he interrogated one of my people.”

Cas and Dean exchanged glances. That had been one of their thoughts.

“He could also have someone working for him?” Cas added gently.

Sam shook his head. “Doubtful.”

Dean cleared his throat. “Okay, let’s say it was someone he captured. Could Roman also know about Reapers World? You’ve got a lot of people hiding down there.”

Sam shook his head again. “No. No one from our main headquarters is missing, and we aren’t stupid. No individual stationed at one of our smaller cells, knows the location of our main base. It keeps us protected.”

Cas mulled that over for a minute. “That’s why you think it was someone from one of your cells that was captured.”

“Yep. If there was a traitor inside headquarters, we’d all be dead by now.”

Cas swallowed; Dean released a puff of air. “That’s comforting,” Dean quipped.

Sam laughed; there was nothing jovial about it.

Cas put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I know this is hard for you, and I truly hope your people are okay.”

Sam bit his bottom lip, and closed his eyes. “I think we both know that’s probably not going to be the case.”

Cas did know. The Chancellor had destroyed the other base on the list. There was no reason to think this one would fair any differently. He still hoped for Sam’s sake he was wrong.

Dean squeezed Sam’s other shoulder, and they sat with him. No one spoke for awhile.

Cas noticed Sam’s eyelids fluttering, he was exhausted - probably hadn’t slept in days. While they’d been traveling to meet Bela, he’d been spending every moment trying to establish contact with his missing people.

“Sam, we have awhile until we arrive, you need to get some rest.”

Sam swallowed.

“He’s right,” Dean added, “We can’t do anything until we arrive, try and get some shut eye.”

Sam started to argue, and then he noticed their expressions, and he managed a small smile. “I’m guessing you two aren’t going to take no for an answer.”

Dean grinned. “Nope, and we’ll tell Jess if you don’t.”

Sam snorted. “Alright tyrants, I’ll give it a shot.”

Sam stood, gave them both strained smiles, and headed towards the rear of the ship.

He opened the door, and went inside.

The room he’d entered contained a few, uncomfortable cots and a restroom. Other than the cockpit, and the main area they were sitting in, there wasn’t much else. This wasn’t a luxury liner.

Dean moved to the seat next to him, and he felt a head rest on his shoulder.

Cas smiled, and leaned his head against Deans, relishing the closeness, hoping soon he and Dean might be able to steal a few hours alone together. Sadly, he had a feeling, life wasn’t going to cooperate.

“Thanks, Cas,” Dean whispered.

Cas smiled, knowing Dean was thanking him for supporting him in his conversation with Sam. He could feel his affection, and gratitude washing over him.

“Anytime,” Cas breathed as he closed his eyes, and tried to get some sleep as well. He tried not to think about what they might find.


The Colony Hushmot was in ruins. To say it had been destroyed wasn’t a strong enough word. Cas had barely taken two steps off the ship before the smell hit him. Rot, death, burned flesh, and blood all mingled together, making his stomach churn.

This had been a slaughter.

It had rained recently, and puddles covered the ground. The water was stained red from the bodies that littered the ground.

Sam had told them there had been over a hundred people living here.

Cas closed his eyes a moment, wishing he could un-see this.

Bodies hung from trees, their middles sliced open, guts spilling out onto the floor, their mouths open in terror, their eyes wide.

Houses were burned, crops torn apart, not even the animals had been spared. Their bodies mixed with the peoples.

Cas walked forward slowly, trying to avoid stepping in the carnage.

One body was that of a woman, cradling her child. She’d tried to shield him; in the end it had done no good.

She had died from a light saber, it had gone through her back, and into her child.

Others were killed from blades, their wounds jagged, and brutal.

This wasn’t just a slaughter, this was a message.

Meant for Sam.

Meant for them.

Roman was telling them he was in charge. They were powerless, and they couldn’t stop him. And if they tried, others would suffer.

Cas had known bad things were coming, but this, this was beyond sick. And these killings, whomever had done them, had enjoyed it.

He could feel the cold, chilling power of the dark side. It had seeped into the soil, the air.

A dark Jedi army. One Roman had trained, brainwashed, and now controlled had murdered hundreds and they’d loved every minute of it.

Cas bent down and closed the eyes of a young woman who’s throat had been slit.

He could feel Dean and Sam behind him, taking everything in, processing it, or trying to.

The soldiers Sam had brought along were silent as well. Cas saw a tear running down one of their faces.

Cas exhaled, and got to his feet, his legs felt rubbery.

Someone threw up behind him.

Cas swallowed down his own bile.

“We need to document this,” he hated himself for saying it, but they needed pictures. Ellen, and the council needed to see this. The burns from the light sabers, and the brutality of the killings might be enough to at least get them to listen to the idea of an army of Dark Jedi.

Between Meg, and now this, they had to listen.

If they didn’t, this was only going to be the beginning. Many more would die.

Roman had to be stopped.

Cas pulled his eyes away from the horrors, and looked at Sam.

Tears were running down his face, as his eyes moved from victim to victim. Cas’s heart ached. Dean’s skin was pale, his eyes angry, his hands balled into fists. “I’m so sorry, Sam,” Cas breathed.

Sam didn’t speak, he only nodded once, before he wiped at his face, and told one of his men to bring out the holo-imager. His voice was steady, but hoarse.

“I’m done with this shit,” Dean growled. “This mother fucker is going down.”

Cas swallowed, and felt his own resolve harden into a leaden weight in his stomach. “Yes. He is.”

A/N: Sorry for the depressing nature of the end of this arc; but it was necessary.

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Comments are always loved - it's nice to know it anyone's enjoying this.

genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, tags: genre: crossover, tags: fic, genre: slash

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