Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: Consequences

Nov 30, 2012 15:59

Title: Consequences
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: language
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my recently created Jedi!verse series of fics - where both Dean and Castiel are Jedi - with a forbidden attraction to each other.
Summary: Castiel and Dean return to Coruscant to face the Jedi Council.
Word Count: 2,122

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

Cas stood outside the Council chambers using breathing techniques to ensure he maintained his calm and composure when they were summoned inside. He was standing ramrod straight, his arms clasped behind his back, his gaze focused on the doors in front of him.

Dean was a steadfast presence next to him, so close, the Jedi Master could practically feel the heat of his body radiating off of him.

“Cas, whatever happens, you did the right thing.” Dean said, his tone full of conviction.

Cas turned his head, and met Dean’s warm eyes. “I want to believe that.”

“Believe it,” Dean urged him, his gaze intense. He opened his mouth to say more, when the large doors opened.

Master Crowley, stood inside them wearing his standard dark tunic and cloak. His eyes glinted, his lips quirked up in the barest hint of a smirk. “If it isn’t my two favorite rebels. Did you have fun storming the castle?”

“Good to see you to, chuckles.” Dean smirked right back.

Crowley’s eyes flashed. “We’ll see who’s laughing when this day is over, Winchester,” he spat, then gestured for them to enter.

The room was huge, with high, arching ceilings, and windows that took up the majority of the back walls. Hover cars, and buildings with varying architecture could be seen outside of them. The council sat in their usual seats that formed a circle in the center of the room.

There were twelve in total.

A few he knew Ellen trusted - Master Jodie Mills and Master Rufus Turner where among them. But the rest - any of them could be Dick Roman’s apprentice.

They all watched as Castiel and Dean were led towards them.

Cas had been here several times before, but it had never felt like this.

He felt as if he were being led to his own death sentence - a feeling of dread hovered over him.

His eyes met Ellen’s as they moved into the center of the circle of Council Members.

She appeared tired and sad, and she sat stiffly in her seat, her body language screaming that she wasn’t happy with this situation.

Cas’s feeling of dread increased.

Crowley proceeded to his seat next to one of the five permanent members of the council.

Gordon Walker.

Cas had been surprised he hadn’t been selected to track Alastair; he was usually sent on those kinds of assignments. His skill with a lightsaber was impressive - and he was very good at locating violent criminals - many of which never made it to jail. He was quick to end them with a decisive blow from his saber. Cas knew he wasn’t in any position to judge, he had chosen to end Alastair’s life.

Master Gordon Walker watched them with hard, narrowed, dark eyes.

Cas stared back - he had never been overly fond of the man. He had a way of making you feel as if you were his prey, and he the hunter.

Cas had spent enough time in the company of Alastair - Gordon’s stare was a bit too familiar - yet Cas didn’t look away - he would not be intimidated.

Gordon was respected among his peers. Cas knew he had earned that respect over time, it didn’t mean he had to like him.

The dark skinned Jedi Master’s lips quirked upward at one corner, and he dismissed Castiel as unimportant with a wave of his hand, as he turned his gaze to Dean.

Dean smiled at him wolfishly; apparently he wasn’t fond of Gordon either.

“Let’s get right down to business, shall we?” Crowley waved a data pad around. “Personally, I don’t think there is much to discuss. Orders were given - they were disregarded - now it’s time for these two to face the music,” Crowley’s eyes were dancing.

He was enjoying himself.

He had always liked throwing his authority around.

“Respectfully Master, I have to disagree,” Ellen chimed in, her tone barely diplomatic.

“Of course you do.” Crowley grinned.

Ellen ignored his jab. “Yes. Castiel disobeyed an order, but he did so with the best of intentions. His actions have probably saved the liv-”

“Oh please,” Crowley barked out a laugh. “The best of intentions?” He stood up, gesturing towards Cas’s postion. “He wanted revenge for what was done to him - he sought out Alastair, and he killed him. Plain and simple.”

“That’s bullshit,” Dean spat. “This was never about revenge, and anyone who know’s Master Castiel can vouch for that.”

Cas shot him a warning glance; Dean was oozing hostility.

Which was exactly the reaction Crowley was fishing for.

“Well, now, you would defend him wouldn’t you.” Crowley twirled the data pad in his fingers. “Not only did you two go against the Council on this matter, you also spat in the face of our belief’s and of the oath you took.”

Cas blanched, but kept his face impassive.

Ellen’s eyes widened, and murmur’s of confusion echoed throughout the chamber.

“I have it on good authority that you two have become quite close. Which explains why you would throw away your own life so easily for Master Castiel. And let’s be honest, this isn’t the first time you two have broken the rules for each other. You two are practically the poster children for why attachments are forbidden.”

Cas said nothing - he simply waited. Crowley wasn’t a fool - he wouldn’t accuse them without some sort of proof.

Crowley inserted the data pad into a holo-projector and an image hovered over it.

He glanced at Dean who’s jaw was set in a hard line as he glared at the image of them cuddled together in the clearing.

It was the night they’d watched the sun set together.

Their hands were entwined, his head was resting on Dean’s shoulder. While they may not have been kissing -the implications were clear.

The council began murmuring, and looks of betrayal and sadness flooded their faces.

Ellen was shooting pointed looks at Master Rufus and Master Mills - they seemed worried.

He could feel Dean tensing beside him.

“You spying on us now?” Dean growled.

Crowley shrugged. “I’m not the one on trial here - you are.”

“Who took that?” Dean hissed.

“I did.” Gordon said calmly, his posture relaxed. “And to be clear - if you plan on denying this I do have other shots,” the man leered. “More graphic ones.”

Dean looked murderous.

Cas felt a twinge of violation - but he refused to give them the satisfaction of showing this bothered him.

“That how you get your rocks off?” Dean smiled menacingly.

Gordon leaned back in the seat, his eyes dangerous.

“That’s enough.” Ellen stood. “You’ve made your point Master Walker,” her glare shot to Crowley. “Both of you.”

“Yes, Master Harvelle.” Gordon tilted his head, and smiled at her. “I believe we have.”

Cas was almost certain he and Dean were about to be dismissed from the Order. He was surprised how numb to it he was, there was sadness that Dean would suffer as well, but he didn’t regret his actions. He’d done what he believed was right, and he wouldn’t change anything.

And it helped, that he knew Dean believed that as well.

Dean stepped forward, stopping mere inches from Crowley and Walker’s seats. “I can see where this is headed you sanctimonious pricks - and I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of ringing the gong.” He gestured at Cas, his eyes on fire. “If it wasn’t for Cas that maniac would still be out there murdering innocents! He was the best man for the job, he stepped up, and he got the job done while you idiots sat here twiddling your thumbs. He’s a fucking hero, and all you can do is spit in his face.”

Dean’s eyes raked over all of them, while he yanked off his robes, and tossed them on the floor. “I don’t need your permission to save people - screw this.”

He marched back to Cas’s side, his body vibrating with tension.

Cas watched, his eyes burning, his throat felt tight. Dean was so loyal - defending him with such ferocity. He’d never felt so loved.

Cas had remained silent through much of this - but no longer.

He met Ellen’s eye’s, and was surprised to still see affection there.

“Did you have something to say in your defense Master Castiel,” Ellen’s voice was gentle, and sad all at once.

He swallowed, took a deep breath, and spoke from his heart.

“Masters, I have done nothing my entire life except serve the Jedi.” He met each council member’s eyes one at a time as he spoke. “I did as I was told, I never questioned any directive I was given because I believed I was serving a higher purpose.” Cas licked his dry lips. “ I was even subjected to months of pain and torture at Alastair’s hands for this Council. I fought to pull myself back together so I could serve again.” His gaze shifted to Dean, who was still standing at his side; he drew strength from his presence, his unwavering loyalty. “But lately, I’ve come to realize this Council is broken, and rotting from the inside.”

Small gasps echoed around.

Crowley’s eyes narrowed to slits.

Cas pressed on, his eyes wandering around the room. “What I did was only out of a desire to protect, and spare others the pain I endured. Alastair would have killed us given the chance, and many others. He had to be stopped.”

No one said anything, as Cas paused, and closed his eyes briefly, his heart hammering in his chest. “And on the matter of the accusation that I and Knight Winchester are close.” He could sense everyone’s stares on him, waiting.

“I love Dean - if that makes me unworthy in the eyes of this council then so be it.”

Cas took his own robe off , and tossed it on top of Deans.

“As Dean said, “I don’t need your permission to continue to protect and serve this galaxy.”

Dean was staring at him, his eyes wide, surprised, and in awe all at once.

He reached his hand out, Cas took it, squeezing, and they left the room, neither of them looked back.


Cas said he loved me.

Dean stared at Cas who was sitting on his bed rolling the hilt of his saber in his hands. Neither of them had said much since their meeting with the council. They had walked to Dean’s place, both silently agreeing they needed time to think, to breathe - Cas had held his hand the entire time as they walked down the street.

There was a sense of freedom in their dismissal.

No more hiding.

Dean had shot Cas a smile despite the horror of a day they’d had, while he squeezed Cas’s hand. The other man had returned it - but Dean could tell he was troubled.

But all things considered - they were both taking this rather well.

When they’d reached the diner Kinsa had taken one look at their faces, and immediately brought two slices of warm pie to them. They’d sat down, and eaten it slowly, and methodically.

Cas said he loved me.

He kept trying not to think about that - but it was there.

Dean felt warm inside and terrified all at once when he thought about the affection, and sincerity in Cas’s tone.

Dean wasn’t good with words so the prospect of saying it back was daunting.

He watched Cas sigh, and toss the saber onto the bed, he closed his eyes, and ran a hand through his tousled, dark locks.

Dean quietly made his way to Cas’s side, and sat down next to him.

Cas loves me.

He cleared his throat.

“What you said today, Cas,” he swallowed, his mouth going dry, his nerves humming with tension. “I uh,” Dean rubbed at the back of his neck, “You know I-umm, well, wow I suc-”

Cas looked up, and cupped his face, kissing Dean tenderly, saving him from himself.

“It’s okay, Dean.” Cas smiled, his eyes kind, and so full of love.

Dean nuzzled his cheek.

Dean admitted to himself that the love had been there for awhile, on both sides - even if he couldn’t get the words out around the lump in his throat, and his racing nerves.

He’d never said them to anyone.

“What you said today in the Council's Chambers, the way you fought for me - defended me - you don’t need to say anything else.”

The lump in Dean’s throat grew; he really was the luckiest man in the galaxy.

Now they just had figure out where to go from here.

A/N: Sorry this one took longer to get posted - i'm working a retail job and going to school - this is a rough time of year with the holiday season going on. Lots of hours, and busy days. Although, I admit, I'm nervous about how you guys will react to this fic in the verse - that may have been another part of the reason I didn't post it as quickly :P

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

Comments are always loved; how else will I know if anyone is still enjoying this series :)

fic, genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, genre: crossover, genre: slash

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