Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: Being Professional - (PG-13)

Oct 04, 2012 10:38

Sorry it took me so long to post this one, i've been working a lot, and free time hasn't been abundant.

Title: Being Professional
Author: nicole9514
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, action, romance, angst
Pairing: Dean/Castiel ( blatant pre-slash, eventual slash)
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my recently created Jedi!verse series of fics - where both Dean and Castiel are Jedi - with a forbidden attraction to each other.
Summary: Dean and Cas attend a meeting with the Supreme Chancellor.
Word Count: 2,216

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

Dean had his best robes on; meaning the ones with the least amount of battle damage, and he stood outside the door of the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Senate.

He’d traveled there from the temple early that morning, and was ‘patiently’ waiting for the esteemed leader to send for him.

The Chancellor had requested an audience with him and Cas; apparently he wanted to personally congratulate them on their success handling the situation on Devon Four. Ellen had told him to play nice with the senator; Dean hated politics, and he hated kissing ass.

But Ellen was his friend, so he’d shown up on time for the first time in his life, and now his royal highness had left him standing outside his door over thirty minutes.

That’s what you get for trying to be professional.

Cas was standing on the other side of the door, his hands behind his back, his posture formal, his mask was up in full force today.

That was probably Dean’s fault.

Ever since Cas had rejected his invitation in the diner, Dean had been distant. Now he was the one avoiding the Jedi Master. He’d barely spoken more than ten words to Cas in the past week, and today he’d been standing here across from him for the better part of an hour, and all they had done was nod at each other.

Dean knew his behavior wasn’t fair - Cas was doing the ‘right’ thing. He was following the code - he was trying to keep them both out of trouble.

But it still stung.

And Dean kept telling that little voice in the back of his head that said Cas leaving that night, had hurt him to shut up.

Because Dean Winchester didn’t do hurt.

He didn’t get depressed, or upset, because of some guy.

There were plenty of other men and women who would have jumped at the offer he’d extended to Cas.

He didn’t need this shit.

“Anna was asking about you,” Cas said quietly, his tone sounded off - almost hollow.

Dean jerked his head towards the other Jedi. And for the first time in almost a week, he really looked at Cas.

Cas had bags so deep under his eyes they seemed bruised, his normally vibrant blue eyes were dull, and his expression was guarded.

“Oh,” Dean blurted, his genuine surprise making him even less articulate than normal.

Cas nodded once. “She was wondering why you hadn’t been around to help her practice with her new lightsaber. What should I tell her?”

Cas’s stare was boring into him, as he waited, he could see the tension in the man’s shoulders. His lips were pressed into a thin line.

Dean tried to ignore the spasm of guilt in his gut, or the way his heart started aching.

“I’ve been busy,” he mumbled.

Cas closed his eyes a moment, leaning his head back against the wall, he took a deep breath. Dean noticed his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. “I see.”

His heart twisted even more, and he wanted to walk over there.

He almost did.

Then the image of Cas walking away, and not looking back that night flooded his brain, stirring up emotions he didn’t want to acknowledge, and words jammed in his throat.

He said nothing; he stayed where he was - a chasm stretched out between them.

Cas took two more deep breaths, his eyelids opened, and he met Dean’s eyes again. “Dean, she - I mis-”

The doors opened; Cas jerked back to his formal position. Dean turned to find Senator Lisa Braedan exiting. Her long, dark hair was done up in an elegant braid. A deep blue dress, and matching jewelry framed her neck.

Her face lit up as she recognized them. “Master Jedi.” She turned to Cas first.

Cas bowed to her, and they clasped hands. “It is good to see you, Senator.”

“You as well,” then her gaze softened in concern. “I heard about your abduction, Castiel,” she squeezed his hand before letting it fall. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

Cas’s tired face, broke out in a small, but genuine smile. “Thank you.”

She gave Cas one last smile, then turned to Dean, taking his hand as well. “And it’s good to see you are okay as well.” Lisa inclined her head at him.

“I aim to please,” he quipped.

She laughed, and shook her head.

“What brings you here?” Cas asked, walking to her side.

“A meeting with the Chancellor - he’s personally overseeing the construction of the hall of ministers on Samaria. I was here for a senate meeting, and he wanted to discuss its progress.”

“We are also here to see the Chancellor,” Cas replied.

“He probably wants to thank you for the amazing job you did negotiating peace on Devon Four.” Lisa touched Cas’s arm, there was something in her manner towards Cas that reminded Dean of an older sister. “I don’t think anyone else could have managed it. You should be proud.”

Cas glanced down, then smiled again. “I was just doing my job, Senator.”

Another man, dressed in green dress robes, with tan skin came to the door.

“The Chancellor will see you now.”

“Guess, that’s our cue,” Dean blurted.

Lisa said her goodbyes, and walked down the hall.

He and Cas followed the young man inside, and entered a lavish room, with ornate decorations. It sprawled out in all directions, red carpeting, and several steps led up to the Chancellors desk, as if he were above them all. A huge bay window lined the back of the room, it afforded a view of the city, and was directly behind the Chancellor himself.

They were led up the steps, and stopped directly in front of the desk.

“Jedi, may I present, Supreme Chancellor Dick Roman,” the man said with a flourish, that almost had Dean gagging.

Dick Roman sat in an oversized chair, at an oversized desk, and smiled up at them. He was what some would consider attractive, with strong features, and short dark, brown hair.

“You must be the famous duo from Devon Four who achieved the impossible.”

He spoke as if he were still running for office, his tone a little too friendly.

Dean disliked him immediately.

He stood, and offered his hand over the desk.

Cas took it.

Dean swallowed his pride, and did as well.

The Chancellor, straightened out his long, black robes, and waved his hand towards the seats behind them. “Please, have a seat.”

Dean followed Cas to the chairs.

Cas sat down rather stiffly, his back ramrod straight as he shifted a few times on the cushion.

Dean plopped down onto the soft, comfortable seat; he could feel Cas watching him again.

He was probably appalled at his audacity to behave so informally in the Chancellor’s office.

Dean told himself he could care less what Cas thought about him as he sunk even further back into the oversized chair, and made a show of being unimpressed with his surroundings. His expression bored, his legs sprawled out in front of him - as if he lived in such luxury on a daily basis.

Dick Roman seemed amused, his eyes danced, and his lips quirked up on one side.

Dean smiled wolfishly at him.

Cas made a small sound in the back of his throat, that was only loud enough for Dean to hear.

He ignored him and went on staring at the Supreme Chancellor, aware that he had somehow entered into a dominance contest with the leader of the Galactic Senate.

The amusement had faded from Dick’s brown eyes, and now Dean could see that he had more balls than he would have given any politician credit for - he stared right back and didn’t blink.

There was something lurking behind that carefully, crafted friendliness, something dark - this man had secrets.

Dean blinked, and scolded himself.

Just because he was in a bad mood, and hated anything to do with politics, and kissing ass, didn’t mean this guy was the devil himself.

He needed to get a hold of himself, and stop overreacting.

Of course he had secrets, everyone did, especially those in power.

Cas politely cleared his throat, and they both finally broke eye contact.

Dick’s face morphed back into one of warmth, and benevolence, as he smiled at Castiel.

“You both are to be commended for your brave acts.”

Cas bowed his head; Dean managed not to scoff.

“Thank you, Chancellor.” Cas said, calmly. “But we were only doing our jobs.”

Dick chuckled. “Nevertheless, it was a great victory for the Republic.” He steepled his fingers. “Internal conflict is never a good thing, it weakens us.”

“I’m glad we could help.” Cas supplied.

The Chancellor’s face grew somber. “Which is why I fear the Separatist movement. They seek to divide us.”

Dean sat up a little straighter. “From what I heard, it’s just a small group of people angry about paying taxes. They’ve been making a little noise here and there over the past few years; but no one really pays them much attention.”

Dick’s eyes flickered, and he gave Dean a weary, smile. “For now, but I fear it has the potential to spread.”

Dean was surprised - the Jedi had barely even taken notice of the group - it was rarely even mentioned. More like a side note. He knew they were unhappy with how much power the Senate had, and they were made up of various species.

Dean had the attitude of ‘live and let live’ in this situation. If they wanted to go it on their own, who were they to tell them no. Dick Roman obviously had other ideas - he probably didn’t like anyone pissing in his handcrafted sandbox.

Cas was listening intently, his eyes going distant for a moment, then he blinked several times. “I’m sure there is a way we can all find a way to coexist.”

“I’m sure you’re right,” Dick was smiling sadly. Dean couldn’t stop himself from thinking it seemed rehearsed. That every expression, every inflection in his voice was there for a reason.

Dean leaned his head back, and ignored his brains insane leaps of logic, and let Cas do the rest of the talking.

He was better at it anyway.


It went on like that for another year- Dick praising them , and asking after their well being, how Anna was, how grateful the republic was - blah, blah, blah.

Okay, maybe it was only ten minutes, but for Dean, it might as well have been an eternity.

Finally, he stood. “I’ve taken up enough of you gentlemen’s time. I know how valuable it is.”

Cas’s expression was that ridiculous blend of perfect clarity, and peace. He stood, bowed slightly again, and said, “No more valuable than yours, Chancellor. Thank you for taking the time to speak with us.”

Dean almost vomited in his mouth.

Dean nodded, and managed a barely respectful bow after he stood.

“I’ll be keeping my eye on both of you.” Dick was beaming; his eyes sparkling again. “I have a feeling you two will end up doing great things for this galaxy.”

Dean had to fight not to roll his eyes.

Who was this guy kidding? Did someone write this cheesy, garbage for him, or was he really that good at pulling it out of his ass.


Dean couldn’t get out of that room fast enough. Being around that man had left him more than a little irritable.

Cas was right on his heels as the door swooshed closed behind them.

He could feel the other Jedi doing his staring thing again.

Dean sighed. “Well, that was fun.”

Cas made a noncommittal sound. “It’s just part of the job.”

Dean blew air from his mouth, feeling a surge of bitterness rise up. “Yeah. One you are very good at apparently.”

Cas’s face turned exasperated, which was a lot better than that damn mask he was so fond of. “I was just being professional, Dean.”

“Yeah. You always are.” Dean could feel the heat slip into his words, could feel the tension building inside of him, threatening to boil over, as they walked down the halls.

Anger, and frustration were creeping through his veins - he latched onto them because he couldn’t deal with the other emotions. The ones he refused to acknowledge.

The ones he kept telling himself he didn’t have - anger was easier.

Cas stiffened, and he opened his mouth to speak.

Dean cut him off, slicing at the air with his hand, as he spat, “Catch you later.”

Dean started to veer down the hall, away from Cas.

He felt warm fingers grip his shoulder, halting his retreat.

Dean glanced behind him, his own expression controlled.

Cas was watching him, his eyes too bright. “Is this how it’s going to be between us from now on?” Cas whispered.

Dean flinched internally, outside he didn’t even blink. “I’m just being professional, Cas,” he said, his tone icy cold, his jaw tight.

Cas’s eyes widened, hurt flickered, and he let go of Dean’s shoulder.

And even though Dean hated himself for it, even though it hurt like hell, he walked away.

And this time it was his turn not to look back.

A/N: Sorry for the major angst in this one. I tried to make Dean be nicer when I wrote this; I really did. But he had 'feelings' and refused to play nice no matter how hard I tried. You can't fight where the muse takes you.

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

Comments are always loved; how else will I know if anyone is enjoying this series :)

fic, genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, genre: crossover

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