Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: Protection Detail (R)

Sep 18, 2012 15:21

Title: Protection Detail
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Warnings: violence, some language
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, action, romance, angst
Pairing: Dean/Castiel ( blatant pre-slash)
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my recently created Jedi!verse series of fics - where both Dean and Castiel are Jedi - with a forbidden attraction to each other.
Summary: At the time, three days alone with Castiel under the cover of darkness, while they did recon work had sounded like a party. Now Dean realized he had been delusional.
Word Count: 2,859

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost

At the time, three days alone with Castiel under the cover of darkness, while they did recon work had sounded like a party.

Now Dean realized he had been delusional.

He stunk; had sand in places he couldn’t even think about, and his mouth tasted like a hutts-ass.

Dean wiped grime from his eyes and watched a group of kids made up of various species and genders walk by laughing as if they owned the planet.

He and Cas had spent the better part of two days getting the lay of the land. There had been a death threat against Senator Braeden and they had been sent to investigate on her home world of Samaria. It was a desert planet in the Leemurtoo system. The place was almost as hot and dry as Tatooine.

Dean hated it here.

Although the senator herself was easy on the eyes. Long dark hair, toned body, smart and didn’t take crap from anyone. He respected that.

Her and Cas had gotten along well when they’d been introduced; she seemed to have a way with the Jedi Master that put him at ease.

That made Dean like her even more - she was a rarity in the political world.

He glanced at Cas from his spot at a rickety, wooden table. He and Castiel were both seated in the back of a bar that was nestled on the outskirts of the city. They’d chosen seats that faced the door - always a good idea when you didn’t want someone to get the drop on you.

They were following a lead that the bounty hunter in question - a man named Raphael - was purchasing some illegal explosives from the bar’s owner.

Cas flicked his finger’s in a back and forth motion, signaling to Dean that he hadn’t seen anything suspicious yet.

Dean pulled his gaze away from the Jedi, and went back to nursing his drink.

He and Cas hadn’t spoken about their ‘incident’ in the training room. They’d went on for the past few weeks as if nothing had ever happened.

Dean knew he never should have tried to initiate something more in the temple. It had been selfish and foolish. If they had been caught, there was a chance they both would have been expelled from the order.

Dean could live with it if he got himself in trouble, but if he was the reason Cas was given the boot…the order was everything to the Jedi Master.

And what would happen to Anna?

Anna adored her Master; it would destroy her if he wasn’t able to continue her training.

No. He would never have forgiven himself if he’d destroyed Cas’s life.

So Dean hadn‘t pushed, and he hadn’t made any more advances. He’d concentrated on being Cas’s friend.

For now, it was enough.

It had to be.

The doors slid open, and a tall, dark-skinned man strode in; he walked as if deserved to be admired. His head held high, his clothes dark, and a thin layer of armor over his garments. He headed straight for the bartender.

Dean would have bet all the credits in the galaxy this was their man.

The skinny man behind the counter, with long, oily hair, beady eyes, and a face not even a mother could love gave him a nod.

They talked in hushed whispers.

He nudged Cas with his foot.

Cas nodded, his sharp gaze already locked onto the scene.

“How do you wanna play this?” Dean murmured, keeping his glass in front of his mouth.

“Let’s wait and see if he makes the deal, then we’ll follow him. I don’t want a fight here, too many innocents.”

“Agreed,” Dean replied, his eyes locking briefly with Castiel’s.

Cas gave him a quick smile before returning his attention to the front.

The man Dean presumed was Raphael, headed to a door leading out back.

He and Cas stood as one, using hand signals they planned their route. Dean would go out the front door, and circle around back. Cas would leap up onto the roof, to watch from above.

“Be careful,” Dean murmured, his fingers brushing Cas’s briefly.

Cas watched him for a second, nodded, then they both slipped out in opposite directions.


How the hell had things gone so badly?

Dean was breathing hard as they chased the bounty hunter through the bustling streets.

The man was good; he’d caught their scent somehow. He’d taken off with the explosive, and had almost taken off Dean’s head with a few well placed blaster shots.

The crowd was making it difficult to gain the advantage; he kept using them as shields - knowing he and Cas wouldn’t endanger innocents.

It was a real pain being the good guy sometimes.

Cas was leaping across rooftops; Dean was barreling down the street. He jumped over a woman Raphael had knocked over.

More shots fired; Cas deflected them as he spun through the air.

Damn, that man could practically fly.

Dean wasn’t ashamed to admit Cas had a lot more control and finesse when it came to combat.

Dean was good with simple acts of will, and causing destruction. But Cas, he made using the force a work of art.

Cas was almost directly above the bounty hunter; as he took one final leap Cas thrust out his hand and used a force push to knock the hunter off his feet.

The second Raphael hit the ground, Dean charged, his saber raised high.

Raphael fired into the panicking crowd; Dean saw a young boy, with blonde hair go down.

He felt Cas’s distress, as Dean rushed to the boy’s side. He was bleeding, but it wasn’t fatal. It had only hit his leg.

He saw his own relief reflected back in Cas’s expression as the other Jedi bent down next to him, and their gazes locked.

That sith-spawn was dead.

Anger rolled forward, and as Cas tended to the boy, Dean took off at a sprint.

He was not getting away.

He sensed and heard Cas call out for him.

He knew that anger wasn’t the answer, knew that it led down a bad road, but it still boiled through him, urging him on.

Dean used it to make his legs move faster.

Dean saw him hop onto a speeder bike and fire it up. The engine roared to life.

No. You. Don’t.

The Jedi took a running leap, using the force to propel him over the crowd. He landed on another bike. Just before he hit the gas, he felt Cas settle onto the seat behind him.

“Hold on,” Dean growled as he prepared to accelerate.

Cas wrapped his arms around his waist as Dean shot forward.


They sped down the streets, buildings were a blur, and the hot wind gusted against Dean’s face. He reached out with the force, using it to enhance his reflexes as he swerved around people, and other vehicles that were moving in and out of traffic.

As he took a sharp right, the road opened up, and they were gliding over endless sand. It stretched on for miles.

At least he didn’t have to worry about crashing into a person, or a wall anymore.

The bounty hunter kept firing shots over his shoulder; Cas deflected each one expertly with his saber while Dean steered.

They were gaining ground, slowly but surely.

“I can take him.” Cas yelled into his ear, his lips brushing up against Dean’s skin, leaving a pleasant tingle behind wherever they touched. “Just get me a little closer.”

Dean knew it was foolish, but his protective instincts didn’t like this plan. Didn’t like the idea of Cas taking this guy on alone even for a few moments.

He shoved down his worry, and trusted Cas.

If he said he could do this, then he could.

“Do it.” Dean said over the roar of the engine. “I’ve got your back.”

Cas squeezed his waist, then rose to his feet, balancing on the seat.

Dean got them into position, and Cas leapt.

His jump was flawless, he landed directly on top of the other bike. His saber stabbing into the engine before Raphael could even react.

The bike veered out of control and Cas flew into the air again, somersaulting, and landing lightly on his feet as the vehicle spun out, and came to a halt several paces away.

Now that was justice.

Dean picked Cas up, and they sped to the disabled speeder.

Raphael was already preparing to fire at them, as he struggled to get to his feet, blood trickled down his forehead.

Dean waved his hand, and yanked the blaster out of the bounty hunter’s hand.

His eyes flashed with rage, and his hand started to reach for a second weapon. Dean smirked, and aimed the green beam of his saber at the dick’s face.

“Go on. Try it. I dare you.” Dean growled, a small part of him hoping the sith-spawn would make another move.

He felt a gentle hand on his lower back, sensed Cas’s calming presence hovering behind him - asking him to stand down.

Dean exhaled, and released some of the anger he’d been holding onto.

Cas’s hand lingered for a few more moments before he let it fall away as he moved to disarm the bounty hunter.


Senator Lisa Braeden was all smiles as she hugged them both.

Cas seemed embarrassed; Dean loved the attention. He was in high spirits, Raphael was locked up, the little boy was fine, and they were going home tomorrow.

No more sand.

And tonight he got to sleep in an actual bed, and he got to bathe.

It was a good day.


Dean headed up to the room Senator Braeden had prepared for him. Cas had the one across the hall, he’d gone up earlier, not being one for celebrations it seemed.

He stepped into his room, shut the door, and disrobed. Immediately heading for the refresher to clean up.

The shower felt amazing, bits of sand washed down the drain, and Dean watched it swirl around his feet.

Once he was clean, he stepped out, and pulled on his spare outfit consisting of a brown shirt, and pants. As he headed to his bed, a soft clearing of someone’s throat had his gaze shooting to the right.

Cas stood there, in his usual blue tunic, with freshly washed hair, and unreadable eyes.

“Hey, everything alright?” Dean asked, surprised to find the Jedi Master hanging out in his room. He’d been maintaining a very respectful distance for the most part recently, not avoiding, just making the lines clear.

Until today anyway.

“I’m not sure.” Cas stepped closer to him, and Dean could see the frown lines on his face, the bags under his eyes. It had been a long couple of days.

“Dean, I’m concerned about you.”

Dean blinked, and ran his tongue over his teeth. “Why?” he asked, surprise evident in his tone.

Cas tilted his head, and stepped a bit closer. “I felt your anger today at that man.”

Dean swallowed, but he didn’t deny it. “He shot a kid Cas. Would have killed him just to give himself time to escape.” Red hot rage began to bubble just below the surface, and he clenched his fists. “I think I was justified.”

Cas stared at him, his expression somber, his eyes full of questions, and worry. “I know, but that isn’t the way Dean. What he did was horrible, but you can’t let it control you.”

“I didn’t. I control it,” he snapped, his chin raised high.

Cas shook his head. “No. You left me behind Dean. You were angry, and you went after him alone. That is not what I call being in control,” he said, his face serious, his eyes pleading.


Cas was right.

Dean glanced away and sighed. “I just…”

He felt Cas’s fingers touch his face, guiding his gaze back to him.

Dean hadn’t expected that; any remaining anger seemed to be soothed away as Cas stroked his cheek.

Dean was suddenly very aware of how close they were standing. A breath away, a small step, and Cas would be in his arms.

“Guess, I need to do some more meditating huh?” Dean attempted to joke, to pull his brain away from the dangerous place it was going.

Cas sighed, and swallowed hard. “I don’t want…” Cas closed his eyes briefly, and inhaled. “I know where that path can lead Dean.” His palm cupped Dean’s cheek, and he felt his heart shudder. “I don’t want to lose you to it. ”

Dean’s mouth went dry, and he gently placed his own hand over top of Castiel’s.

“You won’t, Cas.” Dean made more effort to find that peace that so often eluded him than he had in a long time, and felt a sense of calm envelope him as he found it. “That’s a promise.”

Cas seemed to believe him, because his jaw slackened, and his eyes warmed. “Good.”

Cas was a good influence - not that he was going to admit that out loud.

It might have started out as a joke, but he made a silent promise to himself and Cas that he would spend more time meditating.

He would make more of an effort.

He wouldn’t follow that road, it only led to pain and darkness.

It made you into someone like Raphael.

As all those thoughts raced through his mind, it dawned on him that Cas was still standing there, watching him, touching him.

Cas’s eyes drifted down to Dean’s lips, and his breathing quickened.

Dean felt a familiar heat start to build between them.

Cas licked his bottom lip, then his hands slid from Dean’s face, and came to rest on his chest.

Dean placed his own hands over them and squeezed.

Cas took another step, his hands felt sweaty, his expression nervous - torn.

Dean didn’t move; he would push this time, if it happened it would be Cas’s choice.

Cas stood there, his lips parted slightly, his chest rising and falling, his fingers squeezing Dean’s off and on.

That storm was back in Cas’s blue orbs - a quiet, internal war.

Cas swallowed again.

Dean gave him a reassuring smile, and massaged the palms of Cas’s hands with his thumb.

Cas’s eyelids closed briefly, when he opened them Dean could see a warmth, a need underneath the turmoil.

Cas leaned his head in; Dean’s heart rocketed.

And the door chimed.

Dean jumped, Cas’s eyes were wide as he jerked his head towards the sound.

You have got to be kidding me.

He glanced back at Cas; he was running his fingers through his hair, making it stand up in various places. He wasn’t meeting Dean’s stare.

Dean sighed and clomped over to the door, opened it, and found a young man standing there, brown hair, hazel eyes, and he was holding a data pad out.

“I’m sorry I disturbed you, but a message just arrived from the Jedi Council. Senator Braeden was worried it might be important.”

Cas stepped forward, his steps light, his eyes focused - he’d apparently found his inner peace again. “Thank you. It was kind of you to deliver it so promptly.”

He nodded, spun on his heels, and walked back down the hall.

Cas was already reading, his eyes tight. “We have to leave tonight.”

“Why?” Dean asked, keeping his voice level, trying to peer over Cas’s shoulder at the pad.

“They have a new assignment for me and Anna,” Cas’s tone was precise, direct. His eyes calm, not holding any trace of disappointment.

Dean felt a surge of annoyance; guess they were going back to pretending they were just friends. Pretending that Cas hadn’t almost kissed him -that he’d wanted to kiss him.

“Then I guess I’ll finish packing,” he snapped peevishly, knowing he sounded like a youngling, and not caring.

Cas stiffened; the mask he’d been wearing wavered. “I don‘t have a choice, Dean” he breathed, his eyes weary. He started to reach out, then hesitated, his eyes bleeding insecurity, and worry, as his hand snapped back to his side.

Dean felt his annoyance start to drain; this wasn’t Cas’s fault.

“I know,” he managed to sound relatively normal. “We have responsibilities to the order,” the words tasted bitter coming out.

Cas nodded tiredly. “Yes. We do.” He searched Dean’s face for a moment, his expression sad and ancient.

Dean said nothing.

Cas turned to leave, his shoulders slumped.

“Cas,” Dean whispered, the other Jedi turned back immediately and waited.

Dean cleared his throat, he wasn‘t exactly skilled when it came to crap like this. Flirting, being a smart ass, those were easy. This was out of his comfort zone, but he took a chance, and gave it his best shot. “Thanks - for the talk.”

Dean almost cringed at his pathetic attempt at being sensitive.

Wow, Dean. Great job. Way to lay on the charm.

But Cas smiled, and he seemed to stand taller. “Anytime,” he hesitated, then added, “I‘ll always have your back.”

Dean grinned at that, and any remaining tension seemed to flow from the room. “Same here.”

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

Comments are always loved; it's nice to know if someone enjoys this :)

fic, genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, genre: crossover

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