Starving (part 3 of 10)

Jan 02, 2011 13:30

Title: Starving
Author: bleedforyou1 
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17 overall
Beta: vanessawolfie and wendypops 
Summary: Harry is trying to live his life as normally as possible, until a man shows up on his doorstep, lost and starving.
Warnings: Slash. Sex in later chapters. Flangst. Malnutrition, sorrow, grief. 
Note: Thank you to my wonderful betas for really helping with this story. I've been working on this story for a long time, and I really hope it works out, because it's really important to me :) I'll post a chapter everyday, considering the story is done, haha.'

Part 1 is HERE
Part 2 is HERE

“Harry, I just don’t know if it’s a good idea…” Hermione was saying as she stirred her tea almost meticulously.

The morning light had woken Harry up from his fitful sleep, and when had checked in Draco’s room, he had found the man sleeping like a baby. After making some tea, he had Floo-called Hermione in to ask her advice, as he usually did when he was in a spot of trouble.

Harry walked over to the couch with his own tea in hand, sitting next to his old friend. He watched as she fiddled with the wedding ring on her finger as was her habit. She may have been married for two years, but she was still just as much of a worry-wart as always.

“Hermione,” he said gently, putting his hand over hers. “I’m a big boy. I can take care of myself.”

“You were always so…different around him, back at Hogwarts. He brings out a side of you that I just don’t understand,” she whispered, as if the man upstairs could hear her.

“That’s odd phrasing,” he smirked. “Look, I’m not saying he’s not the same guy, it’s just that… he doesn’t act the same. I think that after everything he’s been through for the last three years…I dunno, I just think it’s changed him. In a good way.”

“But enough as to you keeping him here? What if he really hasn’t changed?” Hermione said, her eyebrow rising in doubt.

“You know I have a habit of trusting my gut,” Harry said, running a hand through his hair. He took a gulp of tea before continuing. “I think he deserves a second chance.”

“Oh, I just don’t know,” Hermione said fretfully. “I’d take precaution. You never know with a Malfoy.”

“Now you sound like Ron,” Harry laughed. “Oh, speaking of Ron…I called you over from work so that he wouldn’t you know…find out. Not that it’s a huge secret or anything-I just think Malfoy needs some space before Ron comes crashing in and accusing him of kicking crups.”

“Ron wouldn’t do that,” she said crossly. “He’d just say the same thing I’m saying-you need to be careful. A few years of hunger won’t erase an entire childhood of bigotry.”

“Merlin, you sound like a psychologist.” He rolled his eyes. “I can handle him-he could barely walk last night from weakness.”

“Well…if you’re sure. And if he’s really that weak, you should take him to the hospital. He might be sick-“

“I was thinking about that earlier-do you really think it was fair of St. Mungo’s to say no to Narcissa just because of her name? She was dying. That sounds a lot like prejudice, and it just doesn’t sit right with me.” Harry shook his head, contemplating when to set a meeting with Shacklebolt.

“Perhaps for now, instead of charging in and demanding change, you should take him to a different hospital. I know one on the outskirts of London that would probably take him…”

“Here, can you write down the name? I’ll take him later today-“

“Take me where?”

Harry looked up at Draco’s accusing question, and watched as the man crossed his arms and glared at them, all haughty and snobbish again. He had changed back into his shirt and jeans that he was wearing yesterday and Harry sighed, standing up.

“We were just talking about taking you to a hospital-“

“I’m not going anywhere. With either of you. I’m leaving anyway; I have things to do, people to see…” Draco trailed off, walking back towards the stairs.

“Wait, Draco, hold on.” Harry shot Hermione a look and she nodded gently, standing up as well.

“I have to go back to work, bye Malfoy! It’s nice to see you again!” She said with a slight sarcastic tone in her voice.

Giving Harry a peck on the cheek, she headed towards the Floo. When it sent her back to the Ministry’s Law Enforcement Office, Harry turned and headed upstairs.

“Draco?” He called out, and then stopped at the guest bedroom’s doorway, watching as Draco pulled his small rucksack’s strings closed. There was a small tug in Harry’s heart as he saw what little possessions the man had left.

“I don’t need a hospital. I don’t need anything. Thanks for the dinner and room, but I really have to go now-“ Malfoy was saying as he picked up his wand from the bedside table.

“Draco, stop for a second and listen to me.” Harry went in and put his hand on the man’s shoulder. He winced when his hand was shrugged off.

“No. Stay away from me, Potter.”

“Why are you doing this? Last night, you were…You can stay, I told you-I’ll help you get a job,” Harry said, softness curling around his voice almost unintentionally.

“I don’t need your help,” Malfoy snarled at him through clenched teeth.

He pushed past Harry and went downstairs, into the foyer. Harry followed him, unable to shake the slight hurt caused by Malfoy’s harsh tone.

“I can’t force you to stay,” Harry said bitterly. “But if it means anything…I really want you to.”

He watched as Malfoy turned away from the door to face him, incredulity on his pointed face. Then, the façade of politeness dropped back in and he shook his head.

“Can’t. Bye,” he said abruptly, opening the door and walking out. Harry watched as he walked a few steps and then stopped. He turned to look at Harry once more before biting his lip and Apparating away.

Harry blinked back a strange wetness in his eyes and slammed the door shut. Why the bloody fuck am I tearing up over that jerk? Harry thought angrily. This is what I get for being a good person.

 Part 4 is HERE

starving, nc-17, harry/draco, fic, fic: chaptered

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