Fic: Lovely All Over Again

Dec 11, 2010 04:08

Title: Lovely All Over Again
Author: bleedforyou1
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ginny/Hermione, implied Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Ron/Harry.
Word count : 666 words. [I FINALLY DID IT! LOL]
Diclaimer: All fan-fiction, JK Rowling owns it all.
Warnings: Sort of in-canon. BDSM, Spanking, voyeurism.
Summary: Hermione and Ginny are in Hermione's childhood home doing something they shouldn't be doing there, and then Luna comes. 
Notes: This is the sequel to vanessawolfie's ficlet called Lovely. Okay, so I've NEVER written anything like this! It's all very new and exciting, heehee. I got out of my comfort zone by writing femmslash and then doubly so by having a threesome. gesh. We'll see how it goes, yeah? NEED FEEDBACK.

Luna dropped her sun bag onto one of Hermione’s couches, and the room was silent as she walked over, stripping off her shirt and shorts on the way over to where Hermione and Ginny were. Ginny looked up from where she lay across the arm of the couch and whimpered behind the ball gag as she was eye-level with Luna’s thin, perfect stomach.

“Pretty, pretty, pretty,” Luna said softly, leaning down and placing a finger underneath Ginny’s soft chin.

Hermione watched with lust-filled eyes as Luna flicked her tongue across Ginny’s stretched lips-too animalistic to call a kiss, but just lovely enough to call intimate.

“May I take the gag out?” Luna asked, her eyes flickering towards Hermione.

Hermione nodded, also releasing the spell that tied Ginny’s hands together. She was so into the possibility of a threesome, she didn’t even bother with being in control anymore. Besides, with Ginny’s spanking, she had already had her control fix for the day.

“Luna, are you…sure?” Ginny asked, standing up and wincing from the new bruises on her arse.

“Definitely,” Luna whispered, placing her hands both on Ginny and Hermione’s necks, drawing them closer.

All three women gasped as their bodies touched-Hermione’s cold naked skin against Ginny’s warm one, and then rubbing against Luna’s partially clothed one.

Hermione pulled them towards her room, making sure to keep her hands on Ginny’s bare arse and the other in Luna’s long silky hair.

Once they got to the room, Hermione muttered a soft locking spell on her bedroom door and then turned to find Ginny and Luna already crawling onto her large bed. Hermione moaned as she watched both of their pale arses waggle slightly as they stretched out over her bed. She’d never be able to sleep in that bed again without thinking of this moment.

“Come over here, Hermione,” Luna smiled, reaching down and unbuckling her tiny shorts. Ginny leaned over and pulled them down over her pale legs and began to kiss and bite up them.

“This may be the best fuck session of my life,” Hermione said softly as she stretched out on the bed next to Luna. Ginny assumed the top position above Luna, who still had her tiny blue bikini on.

“Mine too,” Luna moaned, widening her legs and throwing her head back as Ginny nipped the inside of her thigh.

“Probably mine too.” Ginny smirked, leaning over and grasping one of Hermione’s breasts as she began to lick the thin fabric of Luna’s bikini bottom.

“Take it off and fuck her with your tongue, Gin,” Hermione ordered, a tiny bit of control slipping out.

Ginny had no denials, however, and she quickly removed the panties and raised Luna’s legs over her shoulders. She paused for a moment, placing a pillow underneath the pale hips before diving in and running her tongue over and over Luna’s wet clit.

Hermione reached over and began caressing Ginny’s spine as well, kissing up and down the freckled back. She clenched the still-pink arse in her hands and kneaded the firm cheeks and then reaching down to enter a finger through the red curls as Ginny and Luna both screamed in pleasure.

When both girls were satisfied, Hermione grinned, laying on her back and letting her arms dangle over the bed. The girls panted for a bit, slowly coming down from their high and then crawled over to Hermione’s body.

“So fucking sexy…all of it,” Hermione whimpered as Luna placed two fingers into Hermione’s willing and wet hole, and Ginny leaned down to kiss Hermione with passion that almost bordered on brutality.

They both helped Hermione cross over, running their fingers into her brown hair as she moaned in ecstasy.

Finally, all three slumped across the bed, their sweat-slicked arms and legs crossing over each other and their hair tangling together. Hermione sighed, running her fingers down both Ginny and Luna’s backs as they cuddled closer. This summer was going to be one they’d never forget.

Read the companion piece here, that vanessawolfie has written. It's the same verse, but with Harry and Ron's side of the story! After you've read that, read my sequel to it here. Enjoy, my lovelies!

non h/d, fic: one-shot

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