Week 38 - Submission

Feb 21, 2007 11:37

Let's keep things movin'.

Here's the challenge for this week...80's style!

"Outlaw Blues" by Pat Benatar

You were better than the best
Stayed a notch above the rest
It was rainin' in heaven when you went down
Your mother cried, said she told you so
But you touched the devil and couldn't let go
No one controls the Outlaw

You wrote the story with the movie in mind
An angel face with a criminal side
Celebrated as the rebel kind
The Outlaw

I wonder if you knew
They would turn your bad deeds into good
Paint you as a modern Robin Hood
It's high noon
Everywhere you go
And the guilt you feel is the weary soul
Of the Outlaw

Hearts weren't made to be ruled
And rules weren't made to be broken
It's cold and lonely at the end of your life
And nobody sleeps `til they turn out the lights
For the Outlaw

Where you gonna go, where you gonna hide
It's cold and lonely for the Outlaw
Where you gonna go, where you gonna hide
The Outlaw
The Outlaw
The Outlaw...

The guilt you feel, never enough
The guilt you feel, never enough
The guilt you feel, never enough, never enough, never enough

The Eight Commandments for Entries

1. You are allowed to submit TWO or less icons.

2. You are only allowed to use official art. Anime images, artbooks, or other variations are allowed. That means Doujinshi/Cosplay/Fanart/Non-Bleach Related images (even if it belongs to you) are not allowed.

3. Do NOT submit an icon that is not made by you. Even if the creator allows you to.

4. Icons must be made just for this community. It MUST not be shown to anyone before the contest is over. Do NOT advertise or ask anyone to vote for your icon or tell anyone which icon is yours until the contest is over. Do NOT submit it to another icon contest community.

5. Icons must fit LJ standards. 100x100 or less, 40KB or less, and they have to be in one of these formats: png, jpeg, jpg, gif.

6. Do NOT submit an icon to another icon contest even though it's on at the same time.

7. Use 3 or more consecutive words from the lyrics.

8. When submitting, credit your sources if you are able to. Post where you got the image, brushes, gradients, textures, etc. used in your icon. CREDIT DOES NOT MEAN YOURSELF. Do not put yourself in the credits. You obviously made the icon or else it'll be disqualified. We put credits on the voting post and we CANNOT put your username/a private or public community/or your sites.


Example credit:


week 38, submission

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