Hi everyone! Are you excited for another round? I can't wait to see all of your fantastic icons!
A Dream of Gardens - Olga Nunes (lyrics by Neil Gaiman)
There are shadows
in the garden
twining slowly
like serpents or vines
And they follow
where I wander
I have seen them
from the corner of my eyes
Of my eyes
So I start to run for shelter
And you're waiting with a smile
And you hold me and you tell me
all the secrets of denial
And your arms are wide and open
When you hold me it's forever
and our secret names are spoken
And our art is fine and clever
Where the shadows
were her hollows
like strange daughters
of the people in the dusk
There is fear too
in the garden
When we're near to
seeing faces in the dust In the dust
So I start to run for shelter
And you're waiting with a smile
And you hold me and you tell me
all the secrets of denial
And your arms are wide and open
When you hold me it's forever
and our secret names are spoken
And our art is fine and clever
And you hold me
and we make art
and you hold me
and we make art
The Rules
1. You are allowed to submit TWO or less icons.
2. Official Bleach art only (i.e. anime images, artbooks, and other variations).
3. Do not submit an icon that you did not make yourself, even if the creator allows you to.
4. Icons must be made for this community only. It must not be shown to anyone elsewhere until the contest is over. Do not advertise to ask people to vote for your icon. Do not submit the icon to another icon making community.
5. Icons must fit the standards: 100x100 pixels or less, 40KB or less, and in the following formats: .png, .jpeg, .gif, .jpg.
6. Credit your sources. This is not crediting yourself because we know that you made it. Crediting sources would be the textures, brushes, gradients, images used, etc.
7. Use at least three readable consecutive words from the lyrics provided. This is a lyrics-based icon-challenge; therefore, if a co-mod cannot read or decipher a icon-maker's word choice, the co-mod has the right NOT to post the icon in the voting post. Co-mods will try to give the submitter warning that their icon is not acceptable before the end of the submission period and encourage the submitter to re-submit a corrected icon.
8. Do not submit an icon to another icon making contest, even if it is going on at the same time.
When posting your icons, be sure to have the following: the image, the image link, and your sources.
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b329/snapdeshutter/burstthroughbysnappinshutters.gifSource: .......
Icons are due Saturday, April 2 Sunday, April 17 at midnight EST.