Fanfiction to fanfiction?

May 14, 2008 10:18

Soooooo... after reading chapter 103, there was one little thing that kinda bugged me... in stark_black's "I Come to You in Pieces," there's this one scene, and I, desperate to mke it even more canon than it could be, decided I had to write this. So I did. Then, of course, making sure it was ok to post, I sent it to stark, got her blessing, and now I shall post it here!

Title: The Memories of a Day
Pairing: Well, since it's based off of "Pieces," I guess the pairing is technically RenjixShuuhei, but it's about someone else
Rating: PG-13, only cuz Shinji says fuck <3
Warnings: Thar be spoilers, yaaar!
Disclaimer(s): I don't own Bleach, and stark_black is the genius who wrote 'Pieces.' I took some of the dialogue from it in order to fit the story in more smoothly, so...
Thanks: Thank you to stark for letting me post this and also for getting me into Bleach in the first place. No, really! See, I loved 'Memories' so much that I wanted to read more of her stuff, so I scrounged around on her LJ, but it was mostly this one big long fic that was a Bleach pairing... eventually, I got so desperate that I read it anyway despite only having watched maybe 3 episodes of Bleach and having a general knowledge about the series. Then, after getting current in the fic, I decided it would be best if I actually understood who these people were and what was going on, so I watched Bleach (skipped the filler, naturally), then read up to the current spot in the manga. So. *bows* Thanks to stark! go read her stuff if you haven't, even though if you haven't already then you are psycho...

The moment the group had walked in, he had obviously been on edge. He allowed himself to be vaguely impressed by the general scope of their reiatsu, but not only the fact that they were shinigami troubled him. There was something barely familiar, so little that he couldn't quite place it, within the group. Shinji jumped down and went about his usual greetings towards the Inoue girl as Kensei and the rest of his comrades observed from above. He felt the familiar flare of Shinji’s reiatsu as he stood down the red-head, but it suddenly died down as he approached the darker one next to him. Then suddenly he heard the idiot scream for his name.


The silver-haired vizard raised an eyebrow; there was an interesting tone of wonder and excitement in Shinji’s voice. Intrigued, Kensei jumped down to land beside the blonde vizard. “What?”

He saw it the moment before Shinji pointed to it himself and the man froze. He knew the familiarity he felt. One hundred and fifteen years hadn’t been enough to fade the memories of that day. Every one was still clear, even the minutest detail of saving a young boy from a huge, writhing hollow. Releasing his zanpakuto, cutting the monster down, and demanding the boy get up and smile while sporting his own terrifying grin. Only centuries of experience enabled him to keep a straight face as Shinji exclaimed, “This guy has a fucking sixty-nine, tattooed on his face, man! That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!”

Thank God Shinji is an idiot with a poor memory of others’ bodily markings… Kensei did not want this more awkward than… what was his name? A nice, strong name… Shuuhei. Hisagi Shuuhei, obviously already felt, but luckily he did not appear to recognize Kensei. Breathing an inner sigh a relief, Kensei continued to play it cool. Taking a step towards the shinigami, he examined the tattoo closely, as well as taking in the obvious changes to the now much older boy…

Kensei grinned. “That’s pretty ballsy, dude,” he chuckled. “When did you get that done?”

The faintest hint of a tremor in Hisagi’s reply belied his slight anxiety at being so closely observed, and Kensei more than suspected that he was lying in his answer. Even so, Kensei let his pride towards the young man out in a hearty laugh, continuing to smile grandly after Hiyori appeared in her usual abusive manner and invited the shinigami to dinner.

He has aged well…


shuuhei, kensei, !fanfic, :kensei/shuuhei, .pg-13

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