The year is 2032. The setting is Nevada's Las Vegas, the Sin City. It's much the same as it's ever been: full of bright lights, light people, and big-ass shiny hotels and casinos. But there's one telling difference about the future, and Las Vegas' part in it. With the worldwide downturn in the economy early in the millenium, big businesses found themselves going bust. Small businesses disappeared even from the annals of history as if they'd never existed. Smart investors cut their losses and run, or found more stable ground elsewhere.
Smarter investors quietly bought up everything being ditched at bargain price and simply bided their time until the world was back on its feet again. And so it is now with Las Vegas. Practically the whole city is owned by two mother companies - the Seireitei and Hueco Mundo hotel hotel chains - and the competition between them is fierce. They own various subsectors amongst them, too. The Hueco Mundo chain plays host to the casino Las Noches, run by the division of Hueco Mundo staff known collectively as the Arrancar. Seireitei also owns several motel chains and backpackers' hostels under the nomen of Rukongai. They are also affiliated with small but surprisingly prosperous chain by the name of Vaizard, although this fact is not bruited about publicly; indeed, only the highest ranking employees of Seireitei know, themselves.
So. Welcome, welcome to Las Vegas. Pick a side - for to be employed in this town is now to not merely have a job, but an allegiance. This is big business, people, and big business can be...risky.
Are you prepared?
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OOC community In a world of multifandom games, the dedicated Bleach games are getting no love. What's up with that? There's a HORDE of awesome games out there, people! Help 'em out. Personally, we'd love to have more people. HINTHINT. Six characters does not a game make >: We're friendly and awesome and love to meet new people. What's keeping you?