when you are at soul society

Jun 13, 2008 16:35

Name/Nickname: Naru
Age: sweet sixteen.
Likes: TV Series (like Gossip Girl and House <3), Books (twilight, harry potter *-*), Read, sleep a lot , daydreamimg, dance, jump, marcial arts, rock alternative, jmusic, comedy, adventure, Japan, Sweets (Chocolate, Hershey's, Pocky, Candies), Party, discover new places, make new friends,'punch' stupid people out (HAUAHAU!).

Dislikes: False friends,Insets, Wake up early, depressive. Some people that spend their time wondering about problems but don't try to solve them.

Strong points: I'm a sympathetic person, like to be helpful and friendly. When somebody needs me i always find a way to go there and comfort them. I'm creative and persistent too.
Weaker points: I'm a little bit proud and lofty self-respect. So i don't like when people say i'm not able to do something.

Hobbies &/or Talents: I'm a really good dancer. I spend 13 years of my life training and rehearsing to get profissional. I adore read , write and make wb in photoshop.

Favorite color: Blue!
Favorite animal: Cat.
Favorite season: Spring.

Mature or Immature: Mature, but i never lose my sense of humor
Leader or Follower: Leader, i don't like to obey order.
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing, i was more shy in the past.
Confident or Modest: Modest, but sometines i'm a bit confident ^^'
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist, but never giving up (:
Low, medium, or high energy level: In the morning is VEERY low, but in the rest of the day is medium.

Goals in life: All the prizes i win at my dance school and as a 'pseudo teacher' at my school.

Favorite quote & why:
- what do you need to be happy ?
- you

This quote is so simple and so touching heart, it's like a declaration without the word 'love'. Really Beautiful (':

Describe your personality in three words or more: Energetic, Funny and Proud

Favorite character & why: Byakuya Kuchiki. He lost the one who love (Hisana, her parents) and was raised to be perfect and the leader of a strong claim in SS. So it explain his coldness and arrogance. But with all of this, he has a sweet heart which cares about her sister and the members of his division and try to protect them. He's loyalty and carry his promisses.

Least favorite character & why: Inoue Orihime. She is the type of indecision and idiot girl that i hate the most! Girls should be active and determinated, not keep crying around the places because she thinks she is 'weak'. So keep trying to be more strong --''

Anything else: I enjoyed to do this, thanks for reading! ^^
How did you find this community: at lj search
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soi fong, stamped

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