Name: Leanna
Gender: The Female variety.
Gender stamp preference (female/male/doesn't matter): Doesn`t matter.
Likes: Puppies, sparkles, glitterpaints and gel pens TEEHEE. No. , Silence, sarcasm, violin, writing, reading, cosplaying, roleplaying, anime, manga, video games, woodsy areas, long walks, climbing trees, beaches, animals, warm water, hot baths, swords, other various types of weaponry, people open to new ideas, mythology, sociology, psychology, starting pointless arguements just for the sake of well...Arguing, attempting to cook [And failing horribly], ice, winter, throwing blunt objects at people and/or other blunt things.
Dislikes: Liars, cheaters, religious fanatics, overly pompous people, idiots, school, sitting for long periods of time with absolutely nothing to entertain myself with, children, obnoxiously loud people, crying, ranting that isn`t done by myself, other people`s attempt at humour, insecure; overly rude; needing to be the center of attention whores who have no life outside of their little retard bubble, pumkins, chocolate, candy and everything not stated in likes.
Strong Points & Weak Points: Honesty, though very blunt; I do tell people the truth, even when I probably shouldn`t. I don`t tell little white lies about haircuts, or how I think about their girlfriends or boyfriends or what the hell ever people like to be lied to about. My sarcasm is apparently humerous and it`s managed to be both a good and bad trait when keeping friends. In fact, since everything Is either good or bad with me, I`m going to combine these two sections so I can ramble in one big paragraph, kay? I`m very pessimistic, and when I meet with overly optimistic people I want to beat them to death, or just start one of those fun little arguements with people. Though I`m not very friendly, and I don`t really give a damn about what anyone is saying when I first meet them, I listen. I do get everything they`re saying, I just act like I don`t. I never give my opinions unless asked, and I expect the same for others. When my friends or significant other is in any sort of depression, my weakest point is that I cannot ignore them, as much as I would like to. I place myself into their situation and make it my own, It ends up hurting me in the long run and I`m selfless. People tend to end up drifting away from me because of this, they just think I want to pry into their lives, and hence...I usually stop caring altogther and screw myself completely.
~What do you look for in a boy/girlfriend?/Turn On-Turn offs.~ I kinda did this survey from the bottom to the top, so I`m going to paste what I did down there up here, `Kay? yeah; enjoy the copypasta combo again.
Humour , if then can`t make me laugh then they`re not for me. I also love people who are fairly aggressive, a huge turn-off are passive people. I`ve dated numerous passive people in the past and they only end up annoying me and I distance myself completely until well...It`s over. I adore people who are able to dominate me; and tell me that I`m not the best there is. As much as I hate being well...Out-done, I still love it when the person I`m dating tries to one-up me and keeps me on my toes at all times. Competetive, and caring, Honesty and understanding are turn ons. Major turn-offs would be the obvious things, cheating, flirting and forgetting that they belong to me. Well...Not like a material possession, that sounded bad. You know what I mean. The best thing they could do though...Is when I get hurt or something, just stand up and say ``Who the fuck did that? Lets kick their ass.`` Not ``Aw, baby; come here, let me make it better.`` NO, do that LATER, after some ass is kicked.
Personality: Jesus, this is repetative. Caring, honest, understanding, romantic, outgoing, somewhat shy toward certain things, not an open and shut; easily read book for the world to see, unique, partially aggressive, protective and possessive.
Physical Appearance: I don`t really have any preferences except for things I `Prefer`. Dark or Red hair, [I don`t like dating blondes, male or female.], Light eyes, tall and not ridiculously skinny, but not HUGE either.
~Would you rather have your boy/girlfriend be:~
Calm or Energetic: A nice mixture of both, so they know how when to calm down if the situation calls for it.
Brains or Brawn: Brains, no question. I don`t date idiots...But some brawn would be a little nice.
Mature or Immature: Mature enough to know when they`re being immature.
Controlled or Impulsive: Controlled, I`m the impulsive one; I need to be balanced somehow.
Confident or Modest: Confident.
Leader or Follower: Leader, I may always want to be the leader; But I`ll follow my significant other even if I act like I hate it.
Shy or Outgoing Both
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Not too Optimistic, but enough that it might balance me out again. Since I`m super pessimistic.
Honest or Secretive: Honest.
Would you prefer someone who acts, things, etc like you or someone different from you?
Different but the same. I want someone who opposes me to a certain degree but they have to agree with me on certain things. They need to understand that I`m very complicated and I do enjoy starting arguements for the shear hell of it, they need to be aggressive, like I am; And at the same time be able to console me if I so want it. I`m clingy, [Sometimes].
What would be your ideal first date? As horribly cliche as it sounds, I would love to just go walking on the beach on a clear night. Moon or not, actually I just want some alone time with the person I care about and I`m a total sap for romantic things like that.
What would be one crucial trait in your ideal boy/girlfriend?
Trust, a relationship cannot be held together without complete and utter trust. I need someone I can confide in, as I do not express myself and open up to just anyone. In fact, I only ever open up to my significant other and would love for them to do the same. They need to trust themselves, and in turn trust me so the relationship can hold strong.
Anything else? This is a test of the emergency broadcast system: