Chicken Soup for the Soul Society?

May 15, 2008 17:54

Name/Nickname: KATELYN; Katee; Rin; Meeraku; Meer

Likes: Family, Friends, My cats, Anime, Manga, Drawing, Writing complete dribble, Icon-making, Gundam SEED.
Dislikes: SCHOOLWORK >=[ Also bullies, criminals (of numerous sorts) and brussel sprouts.

Strong points: Usually has a chipper attitude, Fiercely protective (almost to a fault), Sees past others' physical appearances, Willing to help others.
Weaker points: Rushes into things without really thinking them through, Gets jealous easily, The attention span of a 2-year-old, Can be very anti-social at times, Sometimes dosen't know when to give up.

Hobbies &/or Talents: Drawing, Writing, Collecting figurines, Pretending I'm the coolest ninja *cough* and being sarcastic (very useful talent sometimes)
Favorite color: OOO, UHM, *cursesthattherearesomany* RED i think
Favorite animal: CATSSS.
Favorite season: Autumn/Winter.

Mature or Immature: Mature on the serious things but my gosh, I CAN BE VERY IMMATURE >=]
Leader or Follower: Leader. Should probably not be so bossy, but...
Outgoing or Shy: I'm a bit in-between. Depends on what it's to do with.
Confident or Modest: I'm usually rather modest, believe it or not.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: I have a bit of all three. It depends on the topic or circumstance.
Low, medium, or high energy level: HIGHHH~ Except on weekends, then it's ZERO.

Goals in life: To get a decent job to do with Graphic Design.

Favorite quote & why: "I'm not good or real, I'm evil and imaginary" - Karen (W&G) And why, do you ask? Because it's funny and it was the first thing to bring a smile on to my face after losing a loved one (YIKES. Bit much.)

Describe your personality in three words or more: chipper, child-like, dork, sarcasmo

Favorite character & why: UHOH, tricky. Uh, one would be Rangiku Matsumoto. She can really crack someone up, ya know? And she's just so lively and her relationship with Gin and Hitsugaya draw me to her (obviously not the same kinddd of relationship).
I also adore Shunsui Kyoraku because he's just such a... GOOMBA XD Seriously, never a dull moment with him. And I loves him and Nanao~channn
And also Uryuu "Quincess" Ishida. Because he can be kind and squeeful one moment and then BAM! A total prat~ I'm a sucker for those kind of characters. They usually have such an interesting background. Besides, he's ratherrr attractive
Least favorite character & why: Uhm, hmm, probably Orihime *tomatosarethrown* She's just not the kind of character I like and I kind of find her annoying. She needs more of a backbone. I feel bad though because she's so nice and dorky.

Anything else: NOPE.
How did you find this community: Randomly cruising LJ.
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

stamped, matsumoto

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