Name/Nickname: Madison/Maddie
Age: 14
Likes: Cold, warmth, water, sand in between my toes, chocolate, sunsets, hugs, kisses, cute things, small things, beautiful things, little kids, romance, tragedy, angst, tragic romance, angsty romance, more angst, crying, laughing, sunshine, rainbows, puppies(those last three make me fail at life) kitties, anime, manga, guys, girls, emo's, innocence, ice cream, smiley faces, brownies, cake, comedy, action, musicals, music, love and being loved, being needed, shy people.
Dislikes: Useless people(myself included), people who think it's all up to them, mary sue's, perfect people, annoying people, arrogant people, emotionless people, overly emotional people, people who think they have to keep talking because they're the greatest thing on the planet, hyper people, people who think they're funny, and people who think they matter in the overall scheme of things.
Strong points: I'm smart and funny and compassionate and once I get motivated to do something, I don't stop.
Weaker points: This one is going to be much longer than my strong points because I'm a horrible, horrible person! Okay. I tend to hide from people what I really think of them... while they tell a joke and I laugh, I'll be thinking in my head "That wasn't funny. Stop talking, you're not funny." I try way too hard to make myself beleive I have a reason to be here, even if I don't. I really, really want to believe there's a reason for me to be alive, even if there isn't... Everyone would get along without me, and really, that scares me. I want to be needed. I want to find somebody who can't live without me. That being said, I'm terrified of being left alone. Well, not being left alone, really. If one of my friends moved away, I wouldn't care that much, because honestly, I find it hard to care for anyone but myself. I'm selfish. But if they left me and told me they hated me and that's why they were leaving.. that's what I'm afraid of. Because i'm paranoid and have always thought people think of me that way, and if it was confirmed I'd be terrified. Because if someone hated me, then I wouldn't have a reason to be here. Again, I need to be neccessary. I'm really lazy and I procrastinate often. I get tired easily, and I'm insanely selfish. I have a huge inferiority complex which I should, because most everyone is a better person then me in every way. Even my redeeming qualities(intelligence, humor, compassion) can be outdone by a lot of people. so, there isn't anything special about me. And I'm not needed. But I like to think I am. I'm really shy. I don't say a word around people I don't know well. (I gave you this huge chunk of info because I think I might have been mismatched in other rating comms, and I don't want that to happen again.)
Hobbies &/or Talents: I really don't have that many. I'm okay at writing and drawing, but not amazing, and that's about it. I'm horrible at sports.
Favorite color: Dark blue. Really, I'm too overdramatic...
Favorite animal: Dragon. Again, overdramatic! I should just pick something random to make me seem less dreamy.
Favorite season: Winter. I guess with seasons there isn't one that makes me sound overdramtic when I saw it, but yeah.
Mature or Immature: Immature, extremely so.
Leader or Follower: Follower.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy.
Confident or Modest: Modest.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist, or so I like to think. Probably pessimistic in reality, though.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Low. lazyyy~
Goals in life: Finding somebody who needs me.
Favorite quote & why: I have two, and both are because they relate to me. "I'm the worst kind of person." "No. the worst thing about you is that you know this, and you still have no desire to change things." AND "Well, I'd better dream, if I have to struggle."
Describe your personality in three words or more: Selfish, cold, shy.
Favorite character & why: Renji. Because he's strong and determined, but knows when to back down at the same time.
Least favorite character & why: Ichimaru and Ulquiorra. Creepy little fuckers. >.>;;;
Anything else: Hmm. I'm curious...
How did you find this community: I had tried a lot of rating comms but none for bleach, so I searched for it.
Please link the links to the three members you voted on: