Name/Nickname: Diana/ Saki; Deana Shiruba senpai
Age: 18
Likes: Mostly i like children, flowers, to bake any kind of cake, hang around with my friends or simply stay by myself somewhere quiet, soft music, Flowers, tv series, romance novels
Dislikes: Immature people, maths, being bothered with stupid affairs, horror movies, anyone who hurts my loved ones
Strong points: I can be a good listener, i think i am supportive at some point and protective
Weaker points: I can't stand my defaults being pointed out, i tend to be immature when i get angry, i tend to become violent if i get annoyed
Hobbies &/or Talents: Drawing !
Favorite color: pink, black, white and red (couldn't pick one ;;)
Favorite animal: Cats and Foxes
Favorite season: Ah tricky...i hate all the seasons...But i guess the less bad is spring
Mature or Immature: Both, depending of the situation
Leader or Follower: Neither, i hate being followed in my ideas but i hate to follow, i like to be my own leader
Outgoing or Shy: Shy.
Confident or Modest: Modest.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist. Or you can call me a pessimist.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium
Goals in life: To become a good child raiser, to get married with someone decent and raise my children to be good people...
Favorite quote & why: "Maybe...Waiting isn't good enough" - Kairi from Kingdom Hearts. At some point we can't keep waiting for the things/person we want to fall from the sky, we must fight ourselves to find ....Others and to find ourselves
Describe your personality in three words or more: Bossy, large mouthed, depressed
Favorite character & why: Hinamori Momo. I don't really know i just find her character a pretty sweet one and protective
Least favorite character & why: Kon. God just staring at his face makes me angry - -; he's the typical comic relief in anime but he makes me angry
Anything else: Nupsey
How did you find this community: Saw at someone's journal
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