Name/Nickname: May
Age: 19
Likes: Anime, pretty boys, books, computer, programming, chess/shogi (yes, I do play them, since this kind of game doesn't need your fingers pressing or fighting with each other) my reflects are almost non-existent, anything blue, and my family and friends.
Dislikes: Bugs. Racist, homophobes, hypocrite, narcisst, immature and narrow-minded people, fanatism bordering on violence, irresponsible and ungrateful people, and liars.
Strong points: My loyalty. It's like a dog's to those who have earned my trust and respect (even my family and friends say so), my insight on many things (not an oblivious person), my quite good emotional control (I used to behave like a five-years old kid trapped within a seventeen old teen, but I guess age helps maturity) since even though I'm angry, I never ever explode on those who have no clue or whatsoever other than on the one who's responsible for pissing me off these past few years, my unwavering sense of justice (which is often complained by own classmates everytime I was appointed as a refree), and lastly my leadership (I'm not good on following orders, rarely used my Lab or any other Manuals)
Weaker points: Possessiveness, my sharp and vicious tongue, my inability to say a genuine "sorry" even though I'm the wrong one (but I'm working on it) and my fear to express myself fully to those who are new to me
Hobbies &/or Talents: Cooking, writing, reading, playing chess, filling crosswords, watching the moon, surfing the net, and smacking my brother's head
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite animal: Cat
Favorite season: Winter
Mature or Immature: Mature most of the time
Leader or Follower: Leader most of the time
Outgoing or Shy: Shy, if I just meet someone for the first time. The rest... well it depends.
Confident or Modest: Confident almost in everything
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist
Low, medium, or high energy level: High
Goals in life: To graduate from college, have a good job with more than an average pay, at least invent or discover something for this world so I can feel at least useful for humankind and my name will be worth mentioning, and living with my family (mother and brother) till the end of our days
Favorite quote & why: Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Because it's realitiscally proven. Most who have power above the others tend to abuse it using the name 'justice' -coughBushcough-
Describe your personality in three words or more: Realist, planner, and weird at times
Favorite character & why: Orihime. She has the least issues -with oneself- compare to other Bleach characters. And her flaws make her the most human-like character, imo.
Least favorite character & why: Tousen. After droning on and on about justice for like almost a half dozen episodes, turned out, he is just a lackey for someone's else 'justice'.
Anything else: Nop, thank you so much for reading and voting. And oh,
this page is very useful for me since I'm voting the others now. Thanks a lot mods ;D
How did you find this community: LJ search interest
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:
Satu |
Dua |