.I wanna take you to a Soul Society.

Apr 23, 2007 15:24

Name/Nickname: Stan / Rei
Age: 20

Likes: Art, beauty, music, random information, mindf*cks, curry, tea, thunderstorms.
Dislikes: Ignorance, death, war, insects, the sun.
Strong points: Intelligent, strong-willed, introspective, elegant, able to find beauty in everything.
Weaker points: Unstable, paranoid, obsessive, incredibly indecisive.
Hobbies &/or Talents: Drawing, writing, design, fashion design, technology, music, philosophy.

Favorite color: Silver, black, violet.
Favorite animal: Wolf/Panda/Owl
Favorite season: Autumn

Mature or Immature: Switch, though more often mature [when alone] than immature [with friends].
Leader or Follower: Loner. I hate the responsibility of leading, and I refuse to follow anyone.
Outgoing or Shy: Switch.
Confident or Modest: Variable. Depends completely on my mindset.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist, with occasional lapses.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Rollercoaster.

Goals in life: ...Find soul mate, start own game dev studio, move to Tokyo, start a band, travel the world, show humanity its flaws, cure disease, stop war, gain immortality.

Favorite quote & why: "If you've not averted your eyes, you'll notice that the ground is full of monsters. They are impure creatures, yet no one tries to remove them; no one tries to bring peace. Why? Because humans are weak, cowardly creatures." - Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus, Wild Arms 2nd Iginition
I honestly think that's the truth. That humanity simply refuses to face up and solve their own problems.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Unstable, Passionate, Artist, Organized Chaos.

Favorite character & why: Ishida, for standing up and defending his ideals at all costs. Yoruichi, for her wit, strength, will, and hawtness >_>
Least favorite character & why: Orihime, for her LACK of a will.

Anything else: I guess the biggest thing about me is that I had split personality for the longest time. Though I've re-integrated them back into one after much self-work, I remain rather torn and unstable on many things. I am incredibly chaotic, yet I organize and reason out everything. Even after that, I remain impulsive and oddly hard to understand. More than anything, though, I believe that all things in the multiverse are connected.
How did you find this community: silith-akaihane.livejournal.com
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:


kira, stamped

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