I was voted ages ago, and I thought it was time to reapply.
The only problem, is I was rated so long ago, I can't find my old application (I even checked under the tags). So you guys don't get a link back to it. Sorry. Oh well.
I was rated as Gin last time.
Name/Nickname: Laura/Lierong
Age: 17 in 4 days.
Likes: Well, I absolutely love cheese. It's absolutely the best thing on the earth. It goes good with pratically...everything. I could probably go on and on about cheese...
But I suppose I also like getting my way, influence, being able to do what I want, having freetime to myself, acting, and graphics.
Dislikes: A lack of cheese?
Actually, I really dislike being forced to do what I don't want to. Though normally I'll just nod and do things, with a few exceptions. It's not fun. I also dislike idiots, although I don't show this as much. After all, they can be amusing, but they just get annoying after a while.
Strong points: I'm intellegent and I think often about what I'm doing and how I'm doing it (Although sometimes it looks like I act irrationally, but often that's just how I roll. *shot*), and I also have a pretty good sense of humor (At least I think so. Not as many people think so, though). I'm good with words, and therefore debating (And lying, of course), and I'm also a pretty good actress. I can also take what I dish out, regardless of who I'm talking with (One of my peers, a teacher, a 6 year old girl...I'm not picky). Oh, and I rarely get angry and if I have an opinion, I won't sugar coat it.
Weaker points: Like I said, my sense of humor isn't seen as such a good thing by others. I'm sarcastic and sardonic, and I also have a dry or deadpan sense of humor. I'm also self-centered and a bit selfish, but who isn't? I also have a "I don't really care kthxbai" attitude, which tends to upset most people. I also tend to hide most of my emotions, making people think I'm emotionless. I also have sadistic thoughts on occasion, but I don't ever carry out my thoughts. Just think them :3 Oh, I also tend to make perverted jokes, which is rather unusual for a girl at my school. But my best friend and I have a whole code, and we use it to totally torment another friend...Good times, but a horrible thing to do.
Hobbies &/or Talents: Graphics, Acting, Puzzles, Mind Games, and slacking on my homework.
Favorite color: All shades of purple, and I'm also partial to grays, silvers, and gray-ish blue. But I'm told coral looks good on me.
Favorite animal: Reptiles. They're cute in their own special way, and it seems like no one likes them. Snakes, Crocodiles, and Lizards are particularly my favorite. Turtles not so much.
Favorite season: Definatly summer. It means summer break, no work, and warm weather. I can't stand the cold.
Mature or Immature: Upon first impression, one would think "Jeez, that person is immature!" since I joke, tease, slack off, goof around, and not do what I'm supposed to most of the time, and I don't seem to take situations seriously. However, I am serious and mature at heart. It's just easier to act like life's a game.
Leader or Follower: For the most part, leader, mostly because I deem most leaders incompetent. There are one, maybe two people that I know of who'd make better leaders than me, and I'd gladly follow them. But I will admit I'm a better leader than most people I know, and I'm not afraid to say it.
Outgoing or Shy: Not really outgoing, and not really shy. If we think in introverted and extroverted, I'm more introverted, but not shy. I just don't reveal a lot about myself. I have tons of people that I will talk to without really telling them anything about myself. But then again, I have the few close friends who I won't say much around for fear of messing up or hurting them. But I have far more of the former than the later.
Confident or Modest: Confident. It's boring to be modest.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: I suppose realist, but it really does depend on who's around me. Most of the time though, I do act optimistic. Overly so around a bunch of depressed people. But then again, I can act pessimistic around a bunch of overly-optimisitic people, just to play devil's advocate.
Low, medium, or high energy level: I'd say medium to high. I'm not bouncing off the walls, but I'm not constantly asleep (Unless it's class. Then it's perfectly acceptable to sleep).
Goals in life: I want to become a pathologist, because it really facinates me. But in general, just to be able to live comfortably; maximum comfort for minimum work. As high as I can go with as little as I can work. I'm ambitious and lazy!
Favorite quote & why: "Everybody brings joy into the room; some by entering, and most by leaving" Silly, snarky, and something I would totally say.
Describe your personality in three words or more: Devious, disrespectful, and direct. Three d's for alliteration.
Favorite character & why: Well, I like Aizen, Gin, Hanatarou, Izuru, and Rangiku, in no particular order. Aizen's a bloody genius and despite the fact he's a traitor, totally respectable. Gin is amusing and a very complex character, and has several good traits that go unappriciated. Hanatarou's just bloody adorable. I actually have grown to almost admire Izuru's loyalty, and Rangiku's a strong, realisitc character.
Least favorite character & why: Hitsugaya and Ichigo. I can't stand uber protagonists like that. They both get way too much attention and are, in my opinion, quite boring. I just don't find them to be as good as people think they are.
Anything else: It's alright to rate me as the character I was already rated as. I'm perfectly fine with that. I just want to see if I've changed, or if not. And I just want to see if I can get anyone diffrent, since I recall it being pretty unanimous. Plus, I'm bored
Though, I am going to request to not be stamped as a filler character. I don't know if they're available for stampage, but as I didn't watch the fillers, it will be meaningless to me. And reasons would be nice too C:
How did you find this community: I think through
NinjafyPlease link the links to the three members you voted on:
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