Hello, Soul Society!

Sep 30, 2006 22:24

Name/Nickname: Sharon
Age: 22

Likes: Reading, video games, anime, science, music, brains, chocolate.
Dislikes: Stupidity, spicy food, heights, rain, liars, passive-aggressiveness.

Strong points: Smart, sarcastic, funny.
Weaker points: Sarcastic, procrastinator, irritable, mildly forgetful.

Hobbies &/or Talents: Playing flute, World of Warcraft, sloughing through 5+ book-long epics, the Sims, baking.

Favorite color: Green.
Favorite animal: Zebra!
Favorite season: Fall.

Mature or Immature: Fairly mature. I've got a wicked immature steak, though.
Leader or Follower: Rather opinionated follower. I'm not take-charge enough to be a leader, but I like to be heard.
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing.
Confident or Modest: Modest (which is at odds with me listing "smart" about 3 times here. :p)
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Hm. Optimistic with a hint of realist.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium.

Goals in life: Get teaching degree, expand knowledge of EVERYTHING, live happily, become Crazy Cat Lady.

Favorite quote & why: I'm not a big quote person. There's so many, and most of them have great little nuggets of wisdom in them. If I had to pick, "Knowledge is power" is a good one. Simple, but says so much.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Happy, smart, crazy.

Favorite character & why: Kurotsuchi Mayuri. I love his dedication to his research. I also like that he's quite open about who he is, and doesn't apologize for it. Finally, my inner fangirl goes *SQUEE* at unmasked!Mayuri.
Least favorite character & why: Tousen. I find him bland.

Anything else: I'll admit to being a bad fan. I've not read the manga yet. :x
How did you find this community: Doing a search for Mayuri on ljseek.
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

kuukaku, stamped

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