Name/Nickname: Marissa (also known by Nyaanoko, Nyaa, M-Bee)
Age: 16
Likes: Yaoi~~ (XD I recently got converted), vanilla milk, sweet things (candyfloss, sherbet, vanilla icecream and sweet popcorn...not chocolate XP), sunny days, light rainy days, cute cats and big, cuddly dogs (like the Great Pyrenees <3), drawing, taking photographs (because my memory sucks), adventuring! exploring!, meeting new people, visiting new places, thinking about the future and all the things I want to do :D Cute Sanro-X (?) characters like Cinnamon Roll and Nyanko (<--I didn't get my name fropm that though ^__^""), music (eclectic taste @__@) and CHINESE FOOD!:9 (Fried rice, boiled rice...thai spring rolls XD)
Dislikes: GREY. I HATE GREY. O__O (Grey skies, grey buildings, grey clothes *yuck*), narrow-minded/pettiness, false modesty, super-poltical correctness (apparently we shouldn't call things "blackboard" and "whiteboard" *rolls eyes*), ignorance (basically, people who try to argue on something without taking the time to learn about it), whingy people XD and HYPOCRITES *vein* (even though I probably am one, I try not to be...)
Strong points: (mostly) confident, competitive, always wanting to improve, determined, creative, ambitous, day-dreamer (yup, I view that as good XP), good at figuring out how people feel (empathic?), honest (sensibly; honest when the situartion calls for it, and without the intention of being rude unless aimed at rude people), easily amused X3, very thoughtful/reflective, childish (but's hard to explain =__=), able to appreciate lots of things in life :3
Weaker points: Somewhat bipolar, manipulative ^__^"", attention-seeking, indesiscive, highly confrontational (XD), mind-numbly stubborn, forgetful, messy, violent tendancies when reeallly annoyed, selfish (aren't we all?), never satisfied with my achievements, generally naive, easily hurt, *great* difficulting in trusting people..always keep people at a distance
Hobbies &/or Talents: Dancing, singing, arcylic painting, claywork (figures), watercolour, learning japanese, cooking random things, shopping (mostly for art stuff Y__Y), socialising, reading manga (no duh), going to the cinema with friends, watching really scaring movies (although I'm easily scared 8D), cycling & rollerblading~~
Favorite color: Think tropical sea. Like aquamarines, bright greens, and reds and oranges the colour of (clean XD) parrot feathers...(oh, and hot pink)~ 8D
Favorite animal: ....armadillos..*squee* and kangaroos!
Favorite season: Autumn. Absolutely. Spring is a close second.
Mature or Immature: More mature than anything else ^__^ Though I have a lot of childish aspects to my personality.
Leader or Follower: Again, this kind of thing changes. I usually play neither role...or perhaps because of that I'm a leader with no followers *tear* XD. I do my own thing, regardless of what people (even my friends) think most of the time. Sometimes I'll be asking people for help, or just because I'm mellow, go with the flow and do whatever other people want. I used to be such a pushover >__<;;
Outgoing or Shy: Like most people I switch between the two. It takes a long time for me to feel comfortable around people or places I go to regularly. However, once I feel comfortable I'm more outgoing. ^__^
Confident or Modest: Confident. Around 70% I believe in what I am capable of, and my abilities. But then again, if someone important says something about my abilities I lose all confidence really easily *le sigh*
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Optimistic with a light sprinkling of realism! :D (Unless I'm have "One of Those Days" in which case I am totally!pessimistic)
Low, medium, or high energy level: This changes way too easily...with things I don't enjoy or have no drive toward my energy level goes dooown, but if it's something I truly enjoy I can get uber hyper X3~~ Oh! I'm also really nocturnal! Very tired in mornings, really awake late at night TT__TT
Goals in life: Good job that I enjoy (hopefully pays good cash) working with travel magazines (I'm thinking Conde Nast *A*), living somewhere beautiful and/or exciting, with lots of adult friends, a husband and children to love and look after :3 oh! And enough money to get everybody really cool flashy presents!
Favorite quote & why: "I wish we could open our eyes, to see in all directions at the same time, oh what a beautiful view if you were never aware of what was around you" ~ "Marching Bands of Manhattan" by Death Cab for Cutie. It sounds so fun and hopeful doesn't it? It makes me imagine a big wide beautiful world *A*
Describe your personality in three words or more: Determined. Curious/Adventurous. Ambitious and open-minded ^3^
Favorite characters (<--my addition there XD) & why: Renji. Aside from having this cute personality, nice tatooes and hot hair? XD He's so loyal ajnd dedicated to things and honest in a way I wish I could be :) Plus he kicks ass, and I can't ;o;...oh, and maybe Byakuya too because I feel for him .__....and Shinji Hirako XD he's is just the awesomeness ~~>3< , Rangiku (because she has boobs and is smart! At last T__T) and finally Tatsuki for putting up with both Ichi and Orihime *medal*- I love her personality...she's so average yet kickass also :D
Least favorite character & why: Sorry but...Orihime. T__T She just follows the stereotype of *cough* chesty girls; ditzy (in a truly stupid sense of the word, rather than forgetful ditzy), whiny and mostly incapable of standing up to her problems.
Anything else: A rather strange quality: if I don't have nice cereal in the morning I'm a bitch for the rest of the day X3
How did you find this community: Oh..I really can't remember ~__~ Like affiliates with another stampage community and I was like "Hooray! Bleach is violent, soul love! 8D"
Please link the links to the three members you voted on: