Soul Society

Aug 16, 2006 20:51

Name/Nickname: Saint
Age: Older then I care to admit.

Likes: martial arts, swords, art history, history in general, bleach (the chemical), anthropology texts, interesting jewelry, leopard print anything, piercings, heavy metal and industrial techno, roleplaying, hanging with my sig other.
Dislikes: loud people, talkative people, clingy people...people in general..., my current job, weakness in general, stalkers, closed mindedness, math, paperwork, customer service, debt.

Strong points: I can deal with any situation that's thrown at me. Years of different jobs, martial arts and school have made me capable of handling anything without losing my cool.
Weaker points: I'm an asshole. I'll tear down anyones confidence and self esteem just because I have nothing better to do...and I couldn't care less who's feelings I hurt.

Hobbies &/or Talents: I'm a kendo instructor and I do four other forms of martial arts, mostly involving swords. I graduated as an Art Historian/Anthropologist and am working on my masters in Art Education. Drawing, writing and well as video games and sword sparring.

Favorite color: Black and sometimes lime green if someone feels like debating the 'black isn't a color' subject with me.
Favorite animal: Lions. Even if I'm not fond of Kon.
Favorite season: I used to like Winter..but you stop liking it when you're from my area. Way too much snow. So I'm more into fall. As long as the weather isn't hot I'm good.

Mature or Immature: Mature to a fault.
Leader or Follower: Leader. I don't follow anyone.
Outgoing or Shy: Somewhere in the middle. I'm not considered shy, but I can't say I'm particularly outgoing unless I have to be.
Confident or Modest: Confident. I have no reason to be modest.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium. I don't care enough to be either high or low energy.

Goals in life: To complete my masters degree and then get my doctorate. To live longer then they think I should. Get my money situation under control. Never work in retail again.

Favorite quote & why: "Cold as ice and twice as pretty," -Vega, street fighter.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Egotistical, Intellegent, Sadistic.

Favorite character & why: Kenpachi. Probably just because his hair is freaking fantastic. Also I think that he is ruthless, violent and totally blood thirsty is tempered with the fact that he also has one of the best and most loyal divisions.
Least favorite character & why: Hinamori. Sniveling, annoying, perky...and obsessed. I hate obsessed females. It's a disgrace.

Anything else: Not that I can think of.
How did you find this community: Was directed here by another member.
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:


gin, stamped

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