Name/Nickname: Sara
Age: Fourteen
the internet, blogging, reading, food (I pig out a lot), hanging out with my BFFs, icons and icontests, music, cats, fangirling, shipping, het (boy/girl), yuri (girl/girl), crack!ships, smut lol, smilies, emoticons, TYPING IN CAPS WHEN I'M HYPER AND HAPPEH, the ♥ symbol, romantic comedies, personality tests, learning new things, reading random articles in Wikipedia, English and Biology.
cockiness, hypocrisy, discrimination, disloyalty, closed-mindedness, having to do too much work, feeling useless/helpless, feeling out-of-place, people who take credit for your ideas, lack of inspiration.
Errrrr. Does getting good grades qualify as a talent? I do quite well in subjects such as English and Biology, which are my favorites (but not so much in Math or PE). People say I'm good at writing and making graphics but I lack inspiration most times. Other than that, I really have no other talents, although I'd love to learn to bake or play the piano.
Strong points:
People say I'm intelligent because I get good grades in subjects like Biology and English-- I think it's because I'm eager to learn new things. I may be shy, but if we're really close friends, I'll definitely be loyal and affectionate towards you. I'm more of a good listener, and I don't mind if you let out all of your problems at me, but I do admit that I give terrible advice. I don't like conflict and I prefer violence to be left in TV or books. I believe in equality and I'm mostly open-minded. I sincerely want everyone in the group to be happy. If the need arises or if it's about something I strongly care about, I can sober up and be mature, serious and responsible (but usually I'm not XD).
Weaker points:
I lack self-confidence, and most of my flaws stem from that. My frequent mood swings greatly affect my personality and outlook at that particular moment. I'm short-tempered and prone to hitting stuff, yelling at people, and/or letting my emotions get the best of me when I'm angry. I'm stubborn, and I won't stop proving my point even though I know I'm wrong. I've also noticed that I'm a slacker at school who easily gets uninterested or distracted-- I get good grades, yes, but I'm not living up to my potential. Around people I'm comfortable with, I'm talkative, loud and quite hysterical, which often gets me into trouble. Around others, I'm shy and more of a quiet observer, sometimes to the point where I fail to speak my mind. I want to be a strong person (both emotionally and physically), but I've noticed that I'm quite dependent on my 'special people' (aka my best friends and family; I don't think I can go on without them). I'm also way too self-conscious and competitive for my own good.
Mature or Immature: Immature, although I can be mature (often times I just choose not to.)
Leader or Follower: An opinionated follower or second-in-command, because I'm too unconfident and indecisive to be a leader.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy amongst people I'm not familiar with. I tend to be more outgoing around friends.
Confident or Modest: I don't know about modest, but I definitely lack self-confidence. :|
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Somewhere in the middle, like a realist-- I believe that everything will be okay, but I try to prepare a Plan B and C in case they don't.
Goals in life:
I want to graduate high school (maybe with honors, which is why I'm trying to stop being so lazy and study harder), attend and graduate college in a respectable university, survive med school, and be a surgeon. I also want to earn enough to travel the world, discovering new cultures and tasting new cuisines. And it wouldn't hurt if I find the perfect guy for me, too. XD
Favorite quote & why:
"Keep moving forward!" from Meet the Robinsons (which is an awesome animated movie, by the way). :D I know that it's important to learn from the past, but I don't like dwelling too much on the negative things that happened before. I like to focus on the present, and think of ways to improve in the future.
Describe your personality in three words or more:
I'm an
INFP with some INFJ, and it seriously fits me. :D
Favorite character & why:
OH, BUT THERE ARE A LOT. I like Hinamori but I don't know why exactly. XD Then there's Renji, who acts really tough, but obviously cares a lot about Rukia (whether platonically or whatever though yes, I ship them!). I really want to hug Hanataro sometimes, he's such a nice and funny guy who gets too much crap and not enough credit from people sometimes. Yoruichi is freaking badass! And Byakuya has always intrigued me before-- I was always wondering why he was so cold towards Rukia and when the reason was finally revealed, I actually cried. *is a major dork* Plus, I like pretty much all the female characters in Bleach and most of the guys are aesthetically-pleasing too!.
Least favorite character & why:
Kaname Tosen (no offense to his fans)-- I think it's his constant speeches about justice that put me off. I don't like it when someone keeps forcing his or her beliefs on others. :|
Name one character you absolutely don't want to be stamped as and why:
I was initially stamped as Shinji, so I wouldn't want to be stamped as him again. It's not that I don't like him, it's just that there are so many characters in Bleach. I also added more detail to some questions. I'm really just curious if I'm also like someone else. :)
Anything else:
I JUST FINISHED WATCHING HE SOUL SOCIETY ARC. I really liked it-- so many (awesome) characters were introduced and I actually enjoyed the fights (although I do get miffed by Ichigo's powerups sometimes). And I'm such a weirdo, I'm sad that the arc's finished. >_<
Please link the links to the three members you voted on (if available):
tonight, love is racing my way02.
almost another day03.
see you some other day