Urahara/Yoruichi sentence challenge

Aug 20, 2007 13:09

1sentence challenge for Urahara/Yoruichi

Pairing: Urahara/Yoruichi (some mention of Yoruichi/Soifon)
Rating: PG-R
Spoilers: up to current manga

01. Air
They would often go outside to get some fresh air and to get away from his employees; they talk about nothing of great importance and the neighbors pass by and whisper to themselves, "There he is again, talking to his cat."

02. Apples
Yoruichi eats him out of house and home until he begs her to remember that not everyone is as wealthy as the Shihouin clan, but she never eats his apples -- not because they're his favorite, she says, but because they get stuck in her teeth and she hates that.

03. Beginning
There are a lot of firsts in their hidden cavern: her first night sleeping on bare ground, their first intensive training session, his first bankai, and his first kiss (but not hers).

04. Bugs
The third time he feels himself being watched when he goes out for an idle walk, Kisuke comes back to the shop and observes, "It seems like we might have an infestation of bees," and smiles blandly while Yoruichi snickers into her curry.

05. Coffee
Yoruichi decides on a whim that she will only drink Berber coffee imported from Turkey, and then when it arrives, she puts so much milk in it that Kisuke does nothing but whine at her the whole time.

06. Dark
During the day Yoruichi plays with the Kuchiki boy and crafts armor and takes care of her responsibilities and charges -- only under cover of darkness can she slip away and find time to spend with her oldest friend.

07. Despair
Kisuke has never seen her depressed; practical, and pessimistic, and troubled, certainly, but never so lost in her worries that she couldn't tease him about his hair.

08. Doors
He spends weeks attempting to teach her that as lovely as she is, due to the fact that there are small children and delicate men in his household, nudity should occur only behind closed doors, preferably his; but like any cat, Yoruichi is very difficult to teach.

09. Drink
Yoruichi refills Soifon's cup every time it empties, all innocence, so that by the end of the night the poor girl is so drunk she rails about "accommodations unbefitting Yoruichi-sama's magnificence" and climbs over the table to challenge an extremely pained-seeming Kisuke to a duel.

10. Duty
Another woman would be scandalized knowing that her lover is thinking of another man while she is in bed with him; but Yoruichi's fingers trail lightly over his chest knowing that Kisuke is always thinking, and she is not so foolish that she believes Aizen ever stops thinking of where Kisuke will make his next move.

11. Earth
Yoruichi remains in her feline form to avoid unwanted attention in the physical world, but Kisuke carries her everywhere in his arms and happily takes the stares for her, because he so enjoys being seen as eccentric.

12. End
Privately, Yoruichi thinks that Benihime is a selfish bitch, because while the blade so rarely demands anything from Kisuke, even attention, when he does come to her she makes him pay for his wandering attention in blood.

13. Fall
She could have anyone she wants -- from earliest childhood she has been popular, long-limbed and quicksilver, beautiful and privileged -- but the only boy she wants is the one who won't play her games, and instead entices her to play his.

14. Fire
The door shuts in the same instant that the window opens and Yoruichi slips through, settling into Kisuke's lap and pulling off her shirt before he can even think of warning her that his lieutenant will be back in a matter of minutes -- as if either of them would care, when it's been so long since they shared anything more than a polite smile in public that hunger bursts through their veins with all the sudden strength of wildfire.

15. Flexible
Kisuke isn't much of a gymnast, and so Yoruichi finds that she can get into much more interesting positions with Soifon; but afterwards, when the girl is shivering with satisfaction and curled close to her, Yoruichi thinks, Poor thing -- she'd really break if I walked away again, and still can't bring herself to regret it.

16. Flying
She lands hard on her back, skids for a second, and flips over neatly into a crouch, balancing on one hand and smirking at Kisuke, who looks so pleased with himself that she has to promise him, "Your turn to go flying now."

17. Food
Kisuke watches her -- hand curled over her cheek, her body stretched dark and long and lush along his futon -- and he decides (not for the first time) that for a woman who eats as much as Yoruichi does, she looks amazing in lingerie.

18. Foot
Sometimes Kisuke catches her when they race, even though her feet are far faster than his; he tackles her and they go tumbling to the ground, over and over until she's straddling his hips and smirking at him, even though his arms are stronger than hers and he could wrestle her down if he wanted to.

19. Grave
Kisuke can remember a time when Soifon respected him as Yoruichi-sama's friend, a captain, a genius researcher; he's not sure if it was his exile that changed that -- or the way that Yoruichi went with him -- or perhaps even the way that circumstances were different then, and the physical nature of his relationship with Yoruichi is more apparent now -- but one way or another, Soifon loathes him, with the kind of resentment that a person nurses until she dies.

20. Green
Yoruichi sits with her chin in her hands and watches him count the money he's made at the shop, and asks, "Are you going to buy me more coffee with that?" just to watch him groan.

21. Head
She loves it when they lie in bed together, but she will never ever tell him that she likes it more when she's a cat and Kisuke scratches her head and behind her ears absently, like he's forgotten that she's a person.

22. Hollow
He will be banished, banished, banished for this research, he can feel it in his bones, but he aches to see it through and it tears him apart until Yoruichi says idly, "I think you should do it; it'd be interesting," and Kisuke blurts out through laughter and punctured tension, "Oh, God, I love you," for the first and only time.

23. Honor
Soifon has long given up any early thoughts she had of protecting her lady's honor, and secretly, is glad of it -- even taking up with that vagrant Urahara hasn't kept Yoruichi from sleeping with whoever strikes her fancy, and Soifon is not sorry to be among them.

24. Hope
Kisuke always felt drained after debating ethics with Kurotsuchi -- starring Urahara Kisuke as the humane one! -- and when he slumps back in his seat, Yoruichi says from the window, "I hope no one plans to make that man a captain someday."

25. Light
"Chatting" with Benihime leaves him with a headache and sensitive to light, but rather than admit to any particular weakness, Kisuke buys himself a hat and tells his skeptical companion that it's fashionable; and it is, when he buys it, but the lie grows exponentially as decades pass.

26. Lost
The only thing that worries Kisuke, sometimes, is that once long ago he lost a game of chess to Aizen Sousuke -- lost miserably and utterly -- and that single loss in a long flurry of idle games between comrades keeps coming back to haunt him now when the stakes are so much higher.

27. Metal
When he is young and has no way to buy her nice things, he builds her a little dancing ballerina out of scrap and wire; without a care for the imbalance of the exchange, she builds him gauntlets supple as doe-skin that can catch projected spiritual power.

28. New
"It's like having a family again," Yoruichi says fondly as the girl races off, almost tripping over herself in blushing eagerness, and Kisuke raises his eyebrows and wonders if her family always wanted to sleep with her, and why he doesn't count.

29. Old
Shihouin Kadzuki dies before his daughter has had nearly enough of running around making mischief and skinning her knees, but since she is the head of the family now, for a whole month she actually does what they say and locks herself up and parades around in kimono and doesn't see Kisuke, not even once.

30. Peace
At first Kisuke tries to disagree with her logically, and then tries winning her pity by whining, and finally he seems to realize that as long as he disagrees with her he's in danger of getting a slap to the back of the head, and the best way to maintain peace is to just let her do whatever she wants (although he continues complaining anyway).

31. Poison
He sweats and groans and swears that if he lives, he'll have to find a way to repay that madwoman with the stinger; Yoruichi snatches back her blissfully soothing washcloth and says dryly, "Tessai made your tea with his own hands," which explains everything.

32. Pretty
Yoruichi sips at her milk coffee, and sets the mug down, and dabs at her lips with a napkin, and finally tells Yumichika without blinking an eyelash, "So basically what you're saying is that you want me to make you a... battle hair-net."

33. Rain
She comes home so sopping wet that her fur is plastered to her body and she leaves puddles all over Kisuke's nice floors, but he doesn't seem to notice, gathering her up in a warm blanket and murmuring fond nonsense as if she cares.

34. Regret
There is only one reason she ever thought she might want to be a shinigami -- it might be nice to have a dear friend belted at her hip -- but she voices it early on, and Kisuke knows just what to say: a wounded, "Isn't that what I'm here for, Yoruichi-san?"

35. Roses
A slim black cat zips out and catches the bouquet in its jaws and darts away, which causes Isshin to roar with laughter and slam his fist into his friend Urahara-san's back repeatedly -- Masaki thought it was funny, but not that funny.

36. Secret
He is a brilliant man, but terrible at keeping secrets; he insists on giving himself away every time by playing with his fan, which is like a smug smile while his lips speak only innocence.

37. Snakes
"That one is a snake in the nest," Kisuke says, eyes on Sousuke's lieutenant, and the brunet laughs and observes, "Better than in the branch above, out of sight, isn't it?" and Kisuke finds himself thinking, You know so much about snakes.

38. Snow
They are all shivering and doomed to come down with colds, all except for Captain Hitsugaya, who doesn't even seem to notice the frigid wind, and Yoruichi, who has an extra coat -- but unlike Captain Hitsugaya, she doesn't share.

39. Solid
Maybe it's only sentimentalism, because really he isn't that attractive, but Yoruichi loves his body, pale and scarred and firm beneath her fingers, and the little shivers and jerks that twists it when he isn't expecting her to touch him.

40. Spring
Tessai storms around the shop, trying to hunt down "Owner" for some article of business, while Yoruichi sips at her coffee and thinks he must be a little dense not to have noticed, after all this time, that Kisuke would rather die than be indoors on the first day of spring.

41. Stable
They never so much as touch in public, not out of shyness but because they're not callow teenagers who need to cuddle all the time to reassure themselves of their affection -- but once when they're away from the others he comes up behind her and folds his arms around her waist, pressing a single kiss to the back of her neck, and it's so comfortable that Yoruichi wouldn't dream of teasing him for it.

42. Strange
"What do you see in him?" Soifon asks sullenly, and a thousand answers spring to mind -- like genius and wonder and insight and humanity and caring -- and because Yoruichi hates having questions answered for her, she says, "Eh, he's strange, but I'm used to him."

43. Summer
Kuukaku puts on a fireworks show for them at the beach; it's a much smaller gathering than she used to have, but Yoruichi and Kisuke and Isshin and all her other poker buddies are there, so any more than this is just a crowd.

44. Taboo
Kisuke is all too aware of how much more she left behind than he did, and how precarious their situation is, so he never mentions her clan -- instead, he builds a new one, complete with fussy nanny and quarrelsome children.

45. Ugly
Yoruichi doesn't play chess, but she knows that Kisuke has made a crucial mistake in allowing Aizen to snatch a pawn and make it into his queen; Kisuke smiles the same as he ever does, but she can see the ugly knot of recrimination hard in his chest when he thinks up his next moves.

46. War
Soifon told her that Seireitei is preparing for war, as if Yoruichi hasn't known that for weeks, hasn't been heating her forge every night, ready.

47. Water
Day in and day out, he is thinking of ways around a complete hypnotism, to protect himself and everyone else from the long-ago error of watching as a single drop of water fell into eternity.

48. Welcome
Somehow, when Kisuke goes home at night, her arms are warm and strong twining around his neck, even though she knows him well enough to see all his failures, all his mistakes.

49. Winter
In a matter of months, the ground will be frozen and their fate will be decided one way or another; instead of worrying about it more and more, Kisuke finds himself feeling more and more like the child he used to be, and has never stopped being, at least when he is with his best friend.

50. Wood
They dart between the trees, playing like they had when they were children, losing themselves deeper and deeper until they drown in the forest, far from politics and jealousy and goals, into a world where only the wind and touch could exist.


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