
Jan 28, 2011 10:29

[ There's something exhilarating about pitting one's strength against that of an opponent, and as he dodges the swing of the hollow's viciously clawed hand, Ichigo unconsciously smiles. It's not like sparring against the other shinigami. It isn't training or friendly competition. It's life, his life, balanced on an edge that's as sharp as his  ( Read more... )

kurosaki ichigo

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Comments 31

holeheart January 29 2011, 04:11:26 UTC
[And wouldn't you know it, there's another Hollow on Ichigo's tail. But this one isn't looking to attack. In fact, it's a ghostly twin of the orange-haired reaper and he's doing a little reiatsu-cloaking practice. He's still not very good... but he's going to see how close he can get to Ichigo without the other noticing]


1stguardian January 30 2011, 02:53:51 UTC
[Not expecting to be followed, Ichigo isn't actively trying to sense reiatsu. Even if he was, his success would be debatable. But after a while, he starts to feel something. Like he's not alone out here anymore. Like he's being watched. It prickles the skin at the back of his neck, and though he slows, he doesn't yet reach for his sword.

After another minute, he stops completely, affecting a nonchalant stance as he looks around in front of him in feigned indecision, as though trying to figure out which way he wants to go next. Seemingly oblivious to the possibility that there's anyone behind him, Ichigo is instead very conscious of the fact that there's someone out there somewhere. And silently, he waits for whoever it is to get closer.]


holeheart January 30 2011, 03:01:10 UTC
[Shiro quietly moves behind the other at a decent distance, tail and claws out to keep his movements well balanced and quiet. When Ichigo slows, he stops and digs his claws into the ground and cloaks himself as much as he can.

Ooh, now he's going to stop? Shiro suddenly walks faster, dropping down on all fours and slinking along the ground quickly.

Closer... closer.... and... POUNCE!!]


1stguardian January 30 2011, 05:05:43 UTC
[Something's coming. Something's coming fast. It's instinct, not functioning shinigami powers, that tells him this, and Ichigo tenses in preparation for a fight.

He doesn't know what prompts him to turn, some kind of sixth sense, maybe, but turn he does. Just in time to intercept a blur of white. Unfortunately, he doesn't automatically follow through with that interception and, overbalanced, pitches over backward, dragging his attacker down with him with a garbled curse.]


rukonkid January 29 2011, 06:48:21 UTC
[The fight was amazing.]

[Even for a spectator! Really! Gin's impressed, anyway. It had been the hollow he'd seen first, and like any other day, the plan had been to lay low and shut up. That normally took care of any beasts whose paths he'd had the misfortune to run across, but then, even before the monster had gotten close to him, the... the...]

[The hero arrived!]

[Even for as quick of a fight as it had been, Gin absorbed it all with intense curiosity, carefully noting every footstep and twisting of torso made by the man. And then, without entirely processing it, he was watching the fighter approach and - should he duck down? Would scampering away be too noticeable?]

[The obvious solution, and the one taken by Gin, is a rather ungraceful, and entirely obvious, flop down into the bush before him.]


1stguardian January 30 2011, 04:58:26 UTC
[Unaware of the presence of a spectator during his fight with the hollow, it becomes obvious that he's not alone the moment he hears the rustle of leaves from a nearby bush. Just for a second his footsteps falter, as he tries to figure out what to do. Approach it and find out who, or what, is in there? Ignore it? Change direction and avoid it entirely?

Never one to shy away from a dangerous situation, if indeed the situation is a dangerous one, Ichigo opts to investigate. Continuing forward, he approaches cautiously, though his sword remains strapped securely to his back. A hollow, he reasons, wouldn't hide. And if he needs Zangetsu, well, it's within easy reach.

A few feet away, he stops and cocks his head as he eyes the bush. His voice is calm and nonthreatening when he speaks.]

Hey. Who's there?


rukonkid February 3 2011, 05:48:08 UTC
[There's a mild wash of panic that runs across Gin's senses at the sound of the man's voice. There's no escape now-]

[Should he just fess up?]

... No one's here!


1stguardian February 3 2011, 11:49:15 UTC
[That response pretty much cinches the fact that he's not dealing with a hollow. In fact, it almost sounds like whoever it is has a sense of humor, because obviously now he's given himself away.

Propping a hand on his hip, Ichigo studies the bush with a small grin.]

Oh yeah? Who's not there, exactly? You know, so I know who I'm not talking to.


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