
Nov 13, 2010 19:22

[The first thing to go, after he'd figured out how the place worked, was the uniform. It wasn’t necessary, and Grimmjow felt no loyalty to the bastard who’d given it to him. Getting rid of it left him at something of a loss; much as he disliked human things, the clothes they wore were the only ones he knew, and after fighting with it for too long, ( Read more... )

grimmjow jaegerjaquez

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Comments 63

princessorgod November 14 2010, 02:29:25 UTC
[And scurrying about town is one Orihime who's decided to do a little holiday shopping for the fun of it (however stores worked in this place). She's towing a few bags and dressed appropriately for this colder weather, and nothing seems out of the ordinary...

... Until she spots a certain blue-haired Espada and has to do a double-take. She hadn't seen him since she first arrived in this place over a year ago... Totally forgetting her manners, she's staring at those mismatched buttons.]


pantherking November 14 2010, 03:02:38 UTC
[She might be dressed differently from the last time he saw her, but there's no way Grimmjow could mistake her for anyone other than who she is. The woman who healed his arm. The one Ulquiorra and the shinigami fought over. And she's staring at him.

Scowling, Grimmjow stalks closer, his hands wedged into his pockets. When he's within normal conversational range, he tosses his head back and fixes her with a glare.]

The fuck are you starin' at, woman?


princessorgod November 14 2010, 03:12:09 UTC
Ah - nothing! I mean, no one! I'm sorry!

[Oh dear, she hasn't forgotten Ichigo's warning but it would just be rude to get away now. She does her best to smile through her nervousness.]

Er, that is to say... hi, you look nice? Eh heh heh...

[Real smooth, Orihime.]


pantherking November 14 2010, 03:35:22 UTC
[He doesn't bat an eye at the stammering. He's used to that, from her and from the other arrancar. But the compliment - he thinks it's a compliment - gives him pause. For a moment, he just stares at her blankly, trying to process it.

Why is she complimenting him?

Finally, he gives up.]



wai_hollow_thar November 14 2010, 02:32:58 UTC
[Peeking around the edge of a building, the hollow mirror just sort of... stares at the Espada who's walking the town. Weren't the Arrancar and other scary hollows supposed to stay in Hueco Mundo and leave the Neutral Zone alone?! ...And what the hell was he wearing? He looks kinda silly.]


pantherking November 14 2010, 03:08:56 UTC
[Although he doesn't look in any one direction for more than a moment and his steps don't falter, Grimmjow can feel the weight of eyes watching him. It doesn't feel malicious, the other's attention, and after a nonchalant sniff of the air, identifying the scent of another hollow, he thinks he's found the source.

Sonido takes him to the corner of the building and he looks around it at the hollow.]

Yeah? What're you lookin' at?


wai_hollow_thar November 14 2010, 03:47:55 UTC
[He jerks back, stumbling a few steps from the unexpected face around the corner.]



pantherking November 14 2010, 03:59:38 UTC
[He eyes the hollow, momentarily taken aback by his appearance. Looks like Kurosaki, but obviously a hollow. Hostility abruptly takes a backseat to curiosity.]

Who're you?


mulletgetsu November 14 2010, 04:06:50 UTC
[As luck would have it there is a certain orange haired, high school student and occasional shinigami walking on down the road. He'd forgone walking home with anyone today, needing a moment to himself. But, Grimmjow, with his ill placed clothes and bright hair, not to mention foreign manner, isn't hard to spot. And Ichigo jogs up to him.]

Oi! Grimmjow. [And maybe he's smirking a bit.] I wasn't sure you'd come.


pantherking November 14 2010, 04:18:32 UTC
[Unable to sense the familiar reiatsu, Grimmjow is surprised to see Ichigo appear on the road. He may not be dressed for a fight, but damned if he isn't going to have one anyway, even if he's got to beat the stupid bastard into it.

Prepared for obstinate refusal, Grimmjow's taken aback when Ichigo runs toward him. He's equally nonplussed by the way the shinigami's smirking at him, almost like he's glad to see him. And that doesn't make a damn bit of sense.

Eyes narrowing with suspicion, Grimmjow glares at him, suspecting a trick.]

The fuck're you talkin' about, shinigami?


mulletgetsu November 14 2010, 05:31:12 UTC
Bowling, remember?

[Alright, so maybe he was coming on a little enthusiastic. Shoving his hands in his pockets and affecting a "not like I care" demeanor is easier said than down, never the less. He mostly manages a vaguely moody an unfocused look. The shinigami kicks his foot and shrugs.]

Or, you know, whatever.


pantherking November 14 2010, 05:37:25 UTC

[He says it tentatively, like he's never heard the word before. And maybe if he'd been paying attention beyond "going to fight" and actually listened to the spiel about balls and pins and knocking them down, he would've remembered. Unfortunately, talk of fighting, coupled with Kurosaki's presence, had pretty effectively nullified any memory he might've had of extraneous conversation.

Shrugging, he brushes past it in hopes that they can get down to the main event.]

We gonna fight now?


tamedhollow November 14 2010, 05:40:41 UTC
[have another Kurosaki, but this one looks like an undead rock star, due to the weird look of his white skin and black markings. It's cold as crap out here, though, so he's bundled up in a hooded jacket, and warm (but still stylish!) sweatpants. He isn't wearing shoes; those nasty talons won't allow for it. But they are wrapped in warm fabric. The same goes for the lizard-like tail on his back end. He has his hands shoved in his pockets, and the hood of his jacket up, but that shock of orange hair sticking out from under it is unmistakable]

Huh... so much Christmas stuff in the windows... is it that time of year already? [a groan] It was spring when I left!


pantherking November 14 2010, 05:52:43 UTC
[There's a moment, as Grimmjow catches sight of familiar orange hair, where what he's expecting to see and what he actually sees conflicts so harshly that he stops walking altogether. It's the shinigami, he knows it is, but last he remembered, Kurosaki didn't have a tail. Or white skin.

What the fuck was going on?

Scowling, not liking the feeling of disoriented confusion in the least, Grimmjow stomped forward. There was only one way to get to the bottom of this.]

Hey! Kurosaki!

[No one's ever been able to accuse him of being too subtle.]


tamedhollow November 14 2010, 05:59:31 UTC
[you are officially in the weirdest place ever Grimmjow. That's what happened.

There's so many reiatsus about in the town that he doesn't even really notice Grimmjow until he yells out his name. He turns to look at Grimmjow with gold iris, black sclera eyes, which blink in confusion]

Ah... Grimmjow! You're here? [getting a load of that outfit] ... I think you forgot to finish buttoning up your shirt.


pantherking November 14 2010, 06:09:45 UTC
[That look of confusion is mirrored, however briefly, on Grimmjow's face as he gets a glimpse of Kurosaki's face. He knows there are many versions of people here. He's heard about it, a time or two he's even felt it in the constant flux of reiatsu. But this is the first time he's encountered it.

There's half a dozen different things he could say, and an equal number of actions he could take. Still confused, even if the expression has disappeared under a frown, Grimmjow opts to stand there, about ten feet away, and stare. He doesn't even register the comment about his shirt in the face of the more pressing question clawing its way up the back of his throat.]

What the fuck happened to you?


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