Also getting an early start...

Jul 15, 2010 00:49

 [Today is July 15th, also known as the day that Orihime is going to buck up a little and give Kurosaki-kun and accompanying Hollow their birthday cake...  And muffins.  As per fourth-wall breaking requests, a big batch of piping-hot blueberry muffins for Kurosaki-kun, and a precariously large chocolate cake (decorated with swirls of sour cream and ( Read more... )

inoue orihime

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Comments 55

deathberryxx July 15 2010, 04:56:27 UTC

[he would like to try one but he's always been wary of trying any of Inoue's cooking but they did look mighty tasty]


k0koro_kara July 15 2010, 04:58:38 UTC
[She nods cheerily, pointing inside.]

Blueberry, just like you asked for!


holeheart July 15 2010, 04:59:33 UTC
[pinged! MUFFINS! He forgot that an Orihime promised muffins! How he heard that all the way in his underground house in Hueco Mundo is a mystery to never be solved, but a few Echo-steps and he's at the bakery, looking like an overly excited puppy]

Ahhn! The woman keeps her promise!!


k0koro_kara July 15 2010, 05:02:16 UTC
[Well, there's one!]

I made cake, too!


holeheart July 15 2010, 05:06:20 UTC


k0koro_kara July 15 2010, 05:16:10 UTC
Chocolate cake with sour cream and olives on top!


keywords, ilu so hard dude ♥♥♥♥ not_so_hollow July 15 2010, 05:09:46 UTC
[He's late to his own party. What is this.

Oh my god.

She did it. Orihime made the muffins. Just like he asked. Honestly...he wasn't too excited for his birthday, but this? Kurosaki Ichigo's night has been made.

First thing Ichigo is going to do? He's walking up to her kinda wide-eyed, cheeks flushed. He knits his brows sorta and tips his head before smiling nervously.]

Hn...[A pause as he spazzes inwardly about how to even properly thank her without sounding like an idiot.]

Thanks...[He glances away for a second.] For ah...remembering. It means a lot...

[Then he's glancing back oh so nervously, but...still smiling. Screw the blueberry muffins for a second. This was really freaking cool of her to do. Also...Ichigo so noticed the chocolate.]


♥♥♥♥~ k0koro_kara July 15 2010, 05:21:09 UTC
[So cue blushing and back-of-head scratching- this is a friend thing, definitely. A friend thing like she would do for Tatsuki-chan or Ishida-kun or Kuchiki-san or Sado-kun, so on and so forth. Really. She'd rather be his friend who can protect and understand him than... Something else.]

It's no problem at all! I really like cooking, so...


I'm sorry T_T I had to sleep like an old lady not_so_hollow July 15 2010, 15:58:53 UTC
Ah...yeah. Still. Thanks.

[...Friends thing. Definitely. She's his one friend who DID remember, and Ichigo really....isn't quite sure how to react. Ichigo didn't expect her to remember, but he didn't expect anyone to. Let's just forget about the fact that it's Inoue and she makes him fluttery and kinda weird on the inside, but really, just friends!

Ichigo brings one hand up between them to point at her cheek, tipping his head and knitting his brows with a small laugh.]

You have chocolate on your cheek, Inoue....


♥♥ No worries~ k0koro_kara July 15 2010, 16:39:58 UTC
[She's about to say something, but promptly forgets whatever it was when he brushes her cheek like something right out of a Sunday night drama. What was that about putting nakama-ness and understanding over the feelings she thought she had gotten over, now?]

I-I. Uhm. Here?

[She rubs her cheek a little, and lo and behold, chocolate!]

The irony of this is that neither of us ship this. xD


here comes the fail!train idkmybffchappy July 15 2010, 17:15:40 UTC
[No she didn't forget, nope not at all. But there's a tap at Inoue's back.]


You mean the third part of the OT3? ♥ k0koro_kara July 15 2010, 17:18:58 UTC

[Cue Orihime bouncing up in surprise- everybody just really likes sneaking up on her, don't they?]

Ku-Kuchiki-san! You scared me!


LOL NO I'M PRETTY SURE I MEAN FAIL!TRAIN idkmybffchappy July 15 2010, 17:20:15 UTC

S-- sorry.


NO, YOU MEANT AWESOME RUKIA OF AWESOME k0koro_kara July 15 2010, 17:25:29 UTC
No, it's OK!

[Orihime notices, and is a little perturbed. If Kuchiki-san is feeling down, it must be something really big.]

Have you seen Kurosaki-kun- any of them, I guess- around?


holyfight July 15 2010, 22:32:40 UTC
*oh snap, baked goods! Popping up with the babby, who... is strangely enough still here*

Oh! You baked him something! What did you make?


k0koro_kara July 15 2010, 23:55:39 UTC
[Waving hello to baby!]

Blueberry muffins! There was a chocolate cake with sour cream and olives, but...

[She sheepishly points back to the mess inside.]

Hollow Kurosaki-kun already had at it.


holyfight July 16 2010, 00:01:31 UTC
*Mamo-kun takes his fist out of his mouth long enough to wave back, opening and closing his little hand happily*

Ooh, that sounds good! Did you put feta cheese on it, too? That goes great with olives!

*looking around*

Oh, the new one? It's odd, isn't it? They've all been so... so nice lately...


k0koro_kara July 16 2010, 00:03:46 UTC
[dgkfg heart is melted~]

No, but that sounds like it would be a great cupcake!

[Now that she thinks about it...]

Maybe he and Kurosaki-kun are finally getting along?


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