Title: Handcuffs, Blindfolds, and Chain--Oh My!
Characters: Byakuya (
gogochan), Ryuuken (
Timeline: December 1, 2006
Rating: R
Summary: Crossed wires in the post office lead to a meeting of the minds on B&D.
Look what the editor dragged in )
Comments 2
This has to be one of the best lines ever: "One thing was for sure: with two men this reserved alone in a room with a box full of bondage toys, there wasn't going to be much eye contact."
Thanxxx! This was a lot of fun to write. thenakedcat and gogo started writing this in July. Amazing, ne? Very pleased with the way it turned out.
((gogo and gogod have lots of exciting fics and such coming up. and a new RP... can't wait! hope you'll enjoy it as much as we do. xoxo))
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