Jun 03, 2008 16:13
did not make it through teacher training, two law suits to follow.
Moving to france.
Making more money now than I ever have before, still shitting my pants about money.
The best thing about moving to France is.... ok not the best thing but I can finally speak American again.
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Comments 4
As for suing a training programme for tuition, one approach is to contact the oversight entity which accredits the training program and cc your training program person explaining the situtation with specific details (date of enrollment, costs, problem, quote policies if they are listed, etc.) in the letter. Make sure you mention specific names and the process you have followed to obtain your money. You will also want to cc your legal counsel and maybe even the board of directors of the training program. When a lot of people are watching an action it can help turn the tide in that no one wants to look like they were being unfair. I don't have any legal contacts there, but if you are withing the reimbursement dates OR if the organization failed to provide you with clearly defined things which you paid to receive (use of a computer lab that doesnt' exist, etc.) than you should be okay. Good luck!
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