Here are some things that I just do not like.

Jun 16, 2005 16:07

Green Day
Hot dogs

Now that I have made you mad, I just wanna tell you that the list above is just a joke. All of those things are ok, except for maybe ampersands, I've never used one.

Put some chocolate in a pot of drained steamy noodles.

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Comments 3

rockawayxbeach June 16 2005, 21:34:21 UTC
Ha! I'm the first to leave a comment. But I'm sure you'll get tons more because everyone loves teh BLAKE!!!

Green Day makes me happy. And my bestest friend making me ramen noodles makes me happy too!!

You updated at 4:07. Go you!


andethemint June 17 2005, 06:00:54 UTC
Renée took me to see the Exies Tuesday, and then we went to Waffle House and ate Pancakes Waffles, and I paid for Jea's food and mine, and my total was $11.47. I was god damned.


smilefromaveil5 June 19 2005, 03:00:48 UTC
Ya know, the whole "here are some things I just do not like" entry is a good idea. haha. I think I might steal it. mwhahaha. :-D


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